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  • A California court awarded me full legal and physical custody of my daughter after her father hit her. He has been convicted of domestic violence, drug and misc criminal charges. He is supposedly "clean" now and court ordered that he can call my daughter once per week. This is the extent of their relationship. I currently live in Arizona and want to be sure that if something were to happen to me, my sister would have guardianship. My daughter is now 13, does not want to live with him and I strongly believe it is not in her best interest to live with him. She has very close relationship with my sister and my sister would provide stability. Can I "transfer" my custodial rights to my sister and direct that custody not go to my ex or his family in a will?
  • I would like to know if I have any recourse for management abuse in the community that I live. The managers are sending threatening notices about speeding in the park and proceed to stop and watch me drive through the park whenever they see me. I was going the posted speed limit yesterday and the manager was yelling and gesturing to me to slow down. The abuse has got to stop. We are being targeted. I am sending a complaint letter to the company that owns the park, but I would like to know my legal recourse to file an official complaint with the state housing dept.
  • I have taken care of my father for many years and he finally passed away in 2013. He put my name on the house deed in 2011 but kept the mortgage in his and my late mother's names. Now that they are both deceased what do I do about the mortgage that is in his and my mother's name? There was no probate as I took over the mortgage payment and the one bill he still owed on. I simple have no clue what to do about the mortgage because I only have $730.00 per month in Social security disability and know that banks won't lend to anyone with that low an income. What can I do?
  • I was wondering if there is a form that i would beable to file agienst the other parent when it was court ordered that i get odd years to claim the child for taxes, but the other parent isnt co-operating and giving me my odd years to claim the child?
  • My property manager who does Not have a real estate license in AZ. has given me a 30 day notice and claims it came from the owner but she refuses to give me any number or way to speak to the owner about what is going on. Do I have a right to speak to the owner since she is claiming he is the one who told her to give me the notice.
  • I have not yet been fired but have been told that if I refuse to wear a face mask during this covid 19 thing I will will be fired. I have already been suspended. My employer has not posted or provided employees with any type of policy stating if you do not wear a mask here are the consequences. I called our Division VP and HR. They...prior to hanging up on me stated they are not required to provide us with a new policy. I was told that word of mouth is enough. Is this correct?
  • Can unemployment that he will be getting be garnished for child support?
  • I filed for divorce 2 days ago. Today I found out that my wife has committed adultery. We had agreed to joint custody because she didn't want to give up our son. Since she has committed adultery can I change the child support order bfore the 20 days are over? And will I be able to get full custody because of this?
  • can a judge overturn child support when the parents signed a agreement 3 years ago
  • my manager did not accept my rent on the first and told me to wait until she got back to me on monday 5 about why i had a notice certified mail from them. (never received that mail) on the 5 i get a call saying they we not going to renew my lease, i had 30 days to vacate (verbally) that night i get a notice on my door that i owe rent and late fees. I thought i was kicked out . i dont understand this process then on the 12 i receive another notice that they dont want to loose me / pay rent. i seek legal advice because i dont understand now i get an eviction notice for court HELP ?? WHY??




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program