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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I recently rented a house from an individual. To my surprise, after paying all the rent for first month, is that the person I rented this from has signed a relocation agreement with the bank and forced us out of the household in less than a month. Under what statues am I able to pursue this individual? The lease still has 5 months left in contract and we've since been locked out of the household and the landlord has taken a few appliances and other belongings. Thanks in advance!
  • What is Post conviction Relief? How long does the procedure take? Can it overturned someone's conviction?
  • I have been married for 20 years but my husband left me for another woman 16 years ago, and now he lives in another state and I want to divorce him how do I go about this? Now that I know where he is am I still entitled to anything?
  • I moved out my apartment a month early and returned all keys. I recently tried to rent a house but landlord said there was a forcible detainer on my record. I moved out in January and record shows landlord filled forcible detainer in May but is shows no money owed. Can a landlord file after your already gone and how can i remove it from my record?
  • We signed a 2 yr extended lease with the original property mngmnt. Since the extension, they have sold the property. The new mngmnt is not responsive to repairs. My dishwasher has now been out for 3 weeks, & they say that's the best they can do. Also, a barrier wall is breaking due to our neighbors tree and cynder blocks are falling into our yard. We have 2 dogs and 2 children I am afraid will get hurt. I have the area blocked off, and the mngmnt says they cannot fix this. I am at my wits end and am not sure what steps I need to take to either demand repairs or terminate th lease.
  • I have full legal sole custody of my daughter with her father having supervised visitation. He hasn't utilized his visitation in 6 months and hasn't paid child support in 3 years. His parents live in Delaware and visit every 1-2 years. I allow them to see my daughter but she is not comfortable going alone as she barely remembers them when she sees them. His parents are threatening to take me to court, do they have a case even though I let them see her but don't let them take her unsupervised? She is 6.
  • We have a 1 yr old and when we moved in last oct2015, there was cockroaches in the bathroom. We have cleaned spotlessly, and even bombed the place, yet they just keep coming. For a while, they had their own bug guy come in and treat our apartment once we moved in, but now they stopped. We canot get rid of them!!!! I'm so sick of them biting us, and my daughter somehow eating dead ones. What can we do?!?!? This is our main concern, as they don't do a great job anyways.
  • My husband filed for divorce in Maricopa county, we live in Pinal county. Is it possible to have his case dismissed because of this?
  • I'm getting a divorce and I was going to sell our house and split the equity with my wife and then I was going buy another house for me.Shouldn't I wait till the divorce is final?
  • A friend is in custody.needs bail. Car in tow yard . From jail signed over on a wire card bill of sale to car . Can I get the car out with bill of sale ?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program