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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I had to leave a rental property because of an order of protection. The problem is that I had already paid in full the hole lease in advance. The law states that he is supposed to refund my money in case of a domestic violence issue. I have not received any money from him or the return of my security deposit either and he is refusing to pay me. What do I do to get my money he owes me back?
  • I have been renting this house for the past 18 months. April 25th a man showed up at the door and said that he is the owner of the house and said that my family and I have 10 days to vacate the house. He had a piece of paper with some other name on it and a different address. He crossed out that name and address and put my name and address. He said that if I can be out in 10 days he would pay $300 for the rental truck. I called the landlord and she said that is the owner and yes he plans on fixing up the house and selling it. I don't know what to do. My daughter and her two special needs
  • I was just enrolled in ahcccs today. I had to go to the emergency room a couple of weeks ago before being enrolled. Will ahcccs help pay for this?
  • I just want to know if my boyfriend will get deported or what will happen to him. So in the past he got charged wit driving wit out lisence. & he had an arguiment wit his cousin outside n was being loud so da neighboor called da cops n they took him to goodyear police department then to 4th ave jail, I called & I got his next court is in 4 days & he does not have a bond. Most likely what will happen on his court date? He is an immagrant. Will he be deported?
  • My husband got a divorce in AZ to his ex. She remarried military so they move quite often. The youngest child (both in mothers care) is now living in a different state than her mother and is not emancipated or 18 yet. She is either living with her step-dad (against divorce agreement) or own her own. What steps need to be taken to enforce mother's responsibilty of child custody? Dad has custodial custody currently but the child went to live with her mother due to domestic violence towards me. Mom is in WI and child is in NC. Any help would be greatly appreciated to straighten out this issue.
  • I have been listed as custodial parent for our daughter since our divorce in 2010. At the time of divorce my ex husband wasn't employed but it was listed in the decree that he was to pay 100% for all health insurances including dental and vision and was responsible for 50% of all non covered medical expenses as well. From Jan 2011-March 2018 he failed to pay any of these obligations. We have a court ordered child support in place now but his self employed income hasn't been filed according to his then attorney since 2016. How will the court determine his income?
  • Roommates removed my sons bedroom door to punish him for haveing a lock on it is it legal?
  • How long does it take for you to receive your benefits if your case has been expedited?
  • On August 13, 2017 I awoke to find my Apt flooded due to a toilet line leak. It was under water for approx 6 hours. The Manager arranged for draining/cleaning but did not replace the floor (vinyl) or carpet. Just "dried" it. Claims no mold but odor lingers. My question is, it was unlovable for 5 days and no refrigerator for past 7+ days. Requested rent adjustment, but was told "it was your own risk.....can't predict when a flood occurs". Can they refuse to adjust the rent? Will I lose my deposit?
  • My daughter's father has abandoned her for the last 6 years. Can I file for termination of parental rights and how do I do so.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program