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  • The father of my child left the relationship when i was three months pregnant. And he now lives in Missouri. I've recently been told by a friend that if custody is with both parents part-time that the father needs to live within 100 miles of the child. Otherwise his rights can be taken. Is this true?
  • About 10 years ago I had an affair that ended with the birth of a child. This relation ended (my wife is aware of all this) and since then I have been paying child support. Recently the woman with whom I had the affair married and asked me to sign a legal paper whereby I agree to allow the child to change her last name and assume that of her husband. Does this imply her husband adopted the child?
  • I am buying my trlr at sunset resort mhp but I am renting the space lot since moving here the management has continually harassed my visitors to the I told them call the police well they did and MCSO told them they had to leave and not return that the manager can tel anyone for any reason any time to leave and not return because this is private propert one of those people he has thrown out was a lady who helps me with my house work because of my health non of these people have ever created a disturbance or any problems in this park never a complaint from anyone its like Hitlers camp here how c
  • I was a victum of domesticviolence. Because of that my son and i had to live with my drug addticed mother. Now the father of my son has full custody. And i am forced to pay child support i can not afford it. What should i do?
  • I'm not a Landlord, but a person who let a woman & her children stay with me due to domestic violence. Her children are so violent that they attack my dog & my young children. She's only be here a couple weeks. I want her to leave, but I don't know if I've gotten myself into a legal bind. I'm trying to get her to go to a DV shelter, but so far no luck. What can I do legally. No agreement was signed & no money had been paid by her.

  • Bounced a check to bank not knowing it would bounce at the time. When I did find out it bounced I did not pay right away. Amount $425. I cant pay now because it has gone to court system. At the time I wrote check I did not know it would bounce. Check was from good account. I just did poor bookkeeping. I read law and it says only a crime if I knew it would bounce. I have a plea on the table which will put a misdemeanor on my record. Do I have a defense since I did not know it would bounce?
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • if i quit my job because i had to leave the state am i eligible for unemployment benefits
  • I moved into my apartment 20 days ago and on the day of move in 2/8/20 I had my walk through with the landlord. That day I raised many concerns but my main concern was the horrific smell of smoke in the back bedroom and bathroom. The smell is so horrible as if the tenant before just sat in closed in the room and smoked. The landlord stated on the day of move in that the apt just needed to be aired out. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case, I am asthmatic and have had to use my inhaler and nebulizer EVERYDAY since moving in. Is my landlord responsible for removing the smoke smell from the apart?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program