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  • Who do I file a complaint with if I have not received my security deposit or any statments within 14 days?
  • The issue of Right of First Refusal has come up. Can the Right of First Refusal be customize to fit our needs, or does AZ law always require one parent to notify the other parent when they can not watch the child during their scheduled time, even if it is only for an hour or two. Can the plan be written stating that if the absents is longer than 8 hours than the Right of First Refusal applies, but if the time is less than 8 hours the parent has the right to contact the grandmother to watch our child? The grandmother has been involved in our child's life since birth. Custody is joint. Thanks
  • Our house has been with a broken AC for 3 weeks. We have had to wait for a repair, another repair, a second opinion, another attempted repair, etc. Today we were supposed to have someone come to our house and give us a new unit but when I asked my landlord where they were she said since our house was at 82 degrees we got pushed for people with hotter houses. Our house is cool because we had to rent a mobile AC unit. Our electric bill is twice as much due to a 30 year old AC. What right do we have and should our landlord pay for some of our electric bill?
  • The landlord refuses to give me a last name or address to file paperwork. I have a judgment against me because I finished the lease was month to month and grew frustrated with the Mickey mouse repairs being made. I have a judgement against me but he also kept 1,150.00 deposit and wont count any of it toward my judgement. How can attain this eviction info?
  • I have been paying rent for a room in a house month-month with no lease agreement. I got a written notice saying I need to be out of the house by the first of August, I received this notice today (7.20.16). That leaves me only 10 days or so, is this legal? I want to leave anyways, but 10 days isn't enough time for me to move due to work. Who can I call, I need to resolve this immediately.
  • manager of apartments sent out a newsletter at the beginning of April stating they will be entering all apartments for inspection each Tuesday through the month of April. Is that legal
  • Where would I look for assistance when the local HOA does not enforce the CC&Rs, and permit other homeowners to be placed in a hazardous envioronment?
  • I was charged almost 500 dollars in water usage, but the landlord does not want to have someone come check the meter that is owed by them and is also charging a service fee on top of the water bill every month, and I was told by that they are not supposed to be making money of the water they are only supposed to charge what the city charges them and not make a profit out of it. Is it true they can't make a profit and how can I proceed legally on my 500 dollar water charge if I know I don't have any leaks that could originate that 500 dollar charge?
  • We are owners of a double wide in a moblie home park in Tucson.  We live out of state and for the last 5 months have received only partial payments and at this time a tenant is 4 months past due in agreed payments. We have had several issues with this problem, and feel we can no longer allow this person to occupy our property and would like to have someone tell us how we can go about serving notice for an eviction. We have read the laws of Arizona and know that a paper has to be obtained, filed, and paid for by us and then sent on to the occupant of property.  How can we start this procedure?
  • hi my new husband is military retired recieves a military pension of 1300 a month. in his divorce decree it says shares half with ex wife. she was suppose to go to the military and get half taken out. its been 20 years now how does he divide his pension retiremnet funds with her is she still intitled. is there a staute of limitiations on claiming a old debt, got divorced in maricopa county




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program