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  • How do i Expunge 2005 a class 6 undesignated felony that went to a misdemeanor 2008? want to expunge all the case?
  • In mid October I agreed to let a female army veteran stay in my camp trailer for two weeks. We have no contract and I didn't ask for rent but she said she would help out. I ran an electricic an cord to the trailer and told her to use a bathroom in the house. It's December 15th and she's still here. So far she's contributed $35 towards food and utilities and recieved mail. Twice she threatened to call the police because she has the right to shower and to use my electricity. I would like to know how to remove her by Christmas without a legal battle, what rights she actually has, mine also.
  • Hello, my parents marriage is negatively is evolving drastically. A couple of days ago my stepdad pulled a gun on my mom in front of my younger brother. My younger brother explained this event to me and older sister. He also stated that he had to intervene between my parents. I am very worried for my mother, but I do not know where to start helping legally and fast.
  • I can't afford an attorney even through the modest means program & no one is willing to help me pro bono. I filed for divorce from my abusive husband & we reached a settlement agreement on 4/28/16. But he continues to use the judicial system to make false accusations against me & keep me in court. How can I stop this harassment, and why won't any attorneys help me pro bono? So many claim to be DV advocates but no one is advocating for me & my daugher.
  • My ex-wife has primary custody of my two children and is living in the same household with another man. As the father of my children do I have any rights to know who this individual his (i.e. surname)?
  • Was arrested Friday at 2100 hours for aggressive assault D.V. in Arizona, I live in another state. Had my pre-hearing, the victim did not show up. Was told about the infraction and what can happen and given a bond. The judge stated that after 48 hours, if the there was no filing the case would be drop. The sheet from the court states the 48 hours on the bottom of the sheet. Can the state uphold what is on the sheet from the judge's court order. And if 48 hours has gone by, is the case dropped?
  • We had a house go to foreclosure and the lender ended up selling it. Now the bank of the second mortgage is trying to sue us for the deficiancy. the lot is less than 2.5 acres & house is single family. Can they do this or does this violate ARS title 33?
  • My husband and I are being sued by my husband's mother for visitation of our 1-year-old son. We were not married at the time the petition was filed, but we have since been married. A judgment has yet to be made, however my husband has recently been offered a job opportunity in another state that requires we relocate before our next court date. We are in the process of notifying the court, however we fear his mother will object to the transfer and not allow us to relocate to another state. Does his mother have the right to keep us from relocating?
  • My uncle passed away and owned an RV and other property that he paid lot fees inside an RV park. He has lived there for many years. The RV Manager and Owner are refusing to allow payments to keep the lot reserved while we get court papers to become executor of his estate. They intend to "evict" for non-payment if we have not removed the property by the end of the month. They will not let us access to his property without court papers. Can they refuse to accept payment from us and what are they legally required to do with his property?
  • My house was foreclosed on in 2008; the 2nd Mortgage was not used to purchase the home, and the 2nd Mortgagee has now sold the "note" to a collection agency. If the 2nd Mortgagee never filed or sued me on the deficiency can the collection agency pursue the collection of this debt? Who is the holder of the written contract that I had with the original lender?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program