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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • Hi! I am one of the very lucky people to be granted a new trial. There was an error at trial and the judge ordered a new trial. My question is what happens at a retrial? Is it the same testimony from the first trial or can the victims change their story? For example, the victim admitted hitting me first during the first trial. Can he change that or does testimony have to be the same? I need to know this to help make a decision regarding accepting a plea offer. My attorney is unsure.
  • If a judge has 60 days in which to rule on an under-advisement matter- are these days straight days or business days?
  • I want to kno the biological father to my daughter but he refuses to take dna how can i get this resolved?
  • There was a pipe leaking by my parking spot for the last couple months. My water/sewer/trash Bill almost doubled for the last couple months. We pay w/s/t with our rent when it is due but we get a separate w/s/t bill and it shows that for almost 2 years my w/s/t was roughly the same until last month. The complex gets one bill and divides it by common area the apts pay the rest is divided to the residents. I believe the complex wasn't paying for their leaking pipe they were dividing it amongst the apt units. Can they legally do that?
  • I am about to be sued for an old credit card debt. I am permanently disabled and on social security only. Can my social security be garnished?
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  • If I take FMLA can I start an online degree program?
  • I was servd an order of protection from an exlover who i was in a long term gay relatinship with. since being served he has contacted me via e mail and phone several times. In addition he has visited me in my home, came over for intimate visits, etc. Is he legally allowed to do this being that he was he one who originated thee order?
  • When I had my daughter I assumed the father that was named on her birth certificate was her biological father. That was not the case. How do i go about taking the father on the birth certificate off and add her biological father? He is threatening me to take me to court to take my daughter if i don't take action, is he able to do that?
  • Our landlord refuses to fix our swamp cooler and the resulting problems. The swamp cooler leaks water, which has damaged the roof so that it leaks in our bedroom & closet for the last 3 years. This year it blew a fuse, so the landlord is using OUR extention cord for power. Now, whenever the cooler is turned on, the faucets and metal parts of our toilet/sink are electrified. We would like to file the 10 day repair notice but can't afford to move out. Can we file for damages while still living in the apt? Are we allowed to stay until the case is over?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program