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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My children (14 & 17) just started overnights with their father. After a 9 month period where he didn't visit them at all. He has a live in girlfriend and 1 year old child with her. He is now in the habit of leaving my kids to babysit the 1 year old and go out with his girlfriend during his visitation. He and his girlfriend go out drinking. They have a domestic violence history (but more than 2 years ago) involving alcohol both times. Can I prevent this in any way? Isn't visitation supposed to be for my kids to spend time with their father, not babysitting his new kid until midnight/later?
  • If I feel I earned more than I was paid, is there a government organization I can call to confirm that?
  • a judgement of default in an eviction special detainer case was granted agaianst me in superior court of az. I filed a motion to set aside the judgement so if i lost i could appeal as ofr you cannot appeal a default judgement the judge denied my motion to set aside can i appeal that decision?
  • can child support go after sevverensepay from my job
  • We've been renting our house for 5 years and our AC/Heat bills have always been high. We just found out that the garage that our landlord converted into a bedroom has no insulation. Does this room legally need to be insulated? And if so, is he responsible to refund us a portion for the unusually high bills?
  • My brother and his ex girlfriend are unfit parents. They try to avoid responsibility at all costs when it comes to my nephew. Is there any way that I can request custody of my nephew to provide him stability and the attention he needs?
  • Is a residential landlord required to pay for expenses relating to bug sprays and/or professional services to spray for excessive ants?
  • Where can I search to find out if the prosecutor subpoenaed witnesses for an upcoming trial? Can I get a copy of the subpoena request? If so, where would I go to get a copy?
  • When children are ADOPTED by the grandparents and the children were in cos custody at the time they were adopted. Does the grandparent get monthly checks fro the state?
  • Been divorced for 4 years now. We have 50/50 shared custody. My 14 year old daughter is refusing to go back to her dads as he mentally abuses her. I can not force her to go. Will I be in contempt of court if she doesn't not go back to her dads? She has been seeing her school counselor and she knows all the mental abuse she has been going through. She even cuts herself over it. Please help.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program