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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My ex is not complying with the courts order for visitation. I am supposed to see my child every other weekend and this hasn't ever happened since my divorce was final in Aug of '06. Is there anything legal I can do about my situation.
  • A California court awarded me full legal and physical custody of my daughter after her father hit her. He has been convicted of domestic violence, drug and misc criminal charges. He is supposedly "clean" now and court ordered that he can call my daughter once per week. This is the extent of their relationship. I currently live in Arizona and want to be sure that if something were to happen to me, my sister would have guardianship. My daughter is now 13, does not want to live with him and I strongly believe it is not in her best interest to live with him. She has very close relationship with my sister and my sister would provide stability. Can I "transfer" my custodial rights to my sister and direct that custody not go to my ex or his family in a will?
  • My roommate moved her stuff out while I was at work. I want to get her off the lease but she refuses to sign the paper. How do I remove her without going to court?
  • If my spouse bought a home that is most likely going into foreclosure. I was not involved in any way for the purchase of this property nor am I on the title. I do however pay the mortgage on this property. If this goes to foreclosure, can the lender come after me for any reason?
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  • Can my landlord continue to fine me HOA fees for a dead tree in my yard? I looked at my leases and it says I’m responsible for yard maintenance but paying to have a whole tree cutdown doesn’t seem like maintenance to me. It alters the property and I rent this house not own it. I’ve went back and forth with them on this and they stop responding to me and attached fines to my rent.
  • Friend renting a room from home owner. Can the owner take old trash from the outside bin and put it naxk in the room of the rentee because rentee didn't recycle a few items? Items were still in bag but were old and stunk.
  • Can a person from Mexico living in Mexico apply for child support in Arizona?
  • I own my house and rent a lot in a "over 55" community. The driveway is a poor shape and I have asked management for several years for repair. Half of the driveways in the community have been repaired, and I have been told that the rest will be done shortly. That was three months ago! There are chips and holes in the driveway making a safety issue. How can I get them to uphold their responsibility? I do not want to move and just want them to provide the maintenance they are obligated to.
  • Can a company not pay overtime (over 40 hrs a wk)if they are a courier company and the employee is paid a hourly wage instead of per package? How does that work?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program