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  • My son is 17 and in high school with twins on the way. What is his finacial obligation while in school? Can the mother come after my husband and I for child support? The mother is of legal age and out of school, so do the courts take that into consideration?
  • Three months ago I left my son's father. I want to have legal custody of my three year old son but don't know where to go to do so. What do i do first? Where should i go?
  • I never married the father of my daughter. Will he be able to take custody of my daughter. He is a convicted felon and currently does not have a place to live. I pay for her insurance, preschool, clothes and food. I want to get sole custody. Is it possible.
  • I have been renting from a management group for 3 years. The past year and a half getting them to fix things takes weeks sometimes months. I had my glass of my patio door fall halfway out 3x. I had water leaks where it took weeks to get there and they didn't clean up water and now I have mold. They took off my lock off patio and never put on. Safety latch for pool was taken off. I have kids. My pool took a month and a half to get fixed was green where you can't see bottom. I have documentation and emails and photos. I finally had enough gave notice to move. They said no. What can I do?
  • How long after the court date for an eviction does the tenant have to leave the premises?
  • i moved out from a house that i was renting from a company,they say they sent me my security deposit refund check but i never received anything and someone stole it and cashed it.Went to the bank were the check was cashed and they told me the company has to dispute the check not me.Can i request another check from my landlord or i have to wait until the investigation is over?
  • i got married on my husbands reservation at the beginning of this year, and now hes already wanting a divorce but i dont want a divorce just yet. if he files for a divorce do i have to give it to him
  • do I lose my rights to my child if a grandparent is apointed permanent guardian?
  • Hello, my son is 8 months & his father has a drinking problem. I am scared to leave him by himself with his father because he drinks & thinks he is okay...His father believes its okay to drive while drinking some whiskey & driving with beer & We have never lived together & we have no paperwork. Our 8month old lives with me & we visit his father & his fathers family at least 3to 4x a month for weekends. He wants to pick him up sometimes while I'm at work, he lies about drinking & I have seen him drink when we are visiting. What do I do? I am sooooo scared, he has an alcohol issue
  • My ex-husband has been out of the picture for over 3 years. No child support, no contact with the three kids for this entire time. I re-married and my husband and I have taken care of them. I have full custody of my kids and wish to terminate his parental rights due to lack of contact and failure to be there for them in every sense of the word. He also lives in a different state and could have supervised visitations if he wanted to but has chosen not to. There’s also a history of domestic violence and alcoholism from his part therefore the supervised visitations.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program