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  • if my chilldren are in temp foster care can I request a custody of my chilldren
  • My 10 year old's mother moved to NY. She did so without notice and has no intent of wanting him to move there. We currently have joint legal custody. How do I ensure that when he visits she will return him as agreed upon and that it doesn't look like I willingly sent him there for more than a visit? Also, can she sign to give me sole decision making and physical custody since she is not here to make major decisions regarding school, health, etc.?
  • Dear Sir or Madam Where can I find a simple form for an agreement to rent an apartment? I am a senior citizen, 81. I need to have a formal agreement with my son , who is a disabled veteran. Forms that I found are very complicated and full of legalese . If you could send me to a website I would greatly appreciate it.I am in Yavapai County Thank you in advance . Barbara Golian
  • I received two tickets today for my kids not being in car seats because I had just washed them and was waiting for them to dry. I have the cars seats how do I prove to the courts that I have one.
  • If I have legal sole custody of my child, what rights does the other parent have in regard to visitation? Other parent has never been involved, which is why I have sole custody and she has my last name, but he recently decided he wants visitation. He expects unsupervised visits and upon his availability. Also, what should I do to protect mine and my baby’s (15 months) rights? I’m assuming it’s not so simple to just come in and get visitation rights after not being involved at all for all those months.
  • My hhusband has a child from befor we where married. He was never married to this woman, we are looking into how to get custody or joint custody of his son. Do we need to do a legal paternity test if he is already on the birth certificate and he doesn't question that he's the father?
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • I am the guardian of my 2 grandchildren (their mother is my oldest daughter) she had been in a domestic violence situation with the kids dad (he is in prison until July 2016) she lives with friends, no job, possible drugs. He does drugs and has a new girlfriend pregnant. I do not want either of them to obtain children EVER. What can I do to protect the kids and myself since Arizona tends to want to reunite children and parents. This is not a good idea with either of the biological parents. I love them to much to have them suffer. Guardian since 2010, they are age 9 and 6. suggestions?
  • If the father in not on the birth certificate what steps need to be taken to option child support? Since the child is now 8 years old will the father have to pay back for those 8 years? Do they still owe child support if they are not employed or in jail?
  • Am I responsible for debt incurred prior to marriage at anytime?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program