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  • My mother passed away about 3 years ago. When she did, my father gave my brother a verbal guardianship. They never had the papers filled out or anything, and now I have to fill out things like FAFSA and my college that I plan to attend requires proof of legal guardianship. My dad lives in a different state. Is there a way around this?
  • Does the parent still pay child support when the child is with them for vacation
  • A friend spent 12 years in prison for gang related, armed Robbery charges when he was 16. He was released, had some marijuana possession charges and an assault charge over the years. Recently, he was arrested for 2nd degree murder. What type of sentence is he looking at considering his past?
  • If I am currently at work,and I need to leave work early to take paid sick pay,for true reasons for sick pay,can my job deny me sick pay,and can they give me a point for leaving work,not sure on this
  • I am 16 years old, i am no longer living in my parent's home. And they don't want me back. I don't have a job or my license but I have several places I could go if I got emancipated and be supported until i got a job. Currently I've been moving around places so it hasn't been easy getting a job. But once I get emancipated and move to where I want to be I can. How can I convince the judge that I will be fine on my own?
  • I have had someone living with me for the past 3 years as somewhat of a caregiver. I have lupus and Fybromyalgia and there are days when I can not function. I never know when something will happen. I live in an apartment andhave for 6 years. All the other managers knew that someone was with me and why and it was okay. Now we have a new management company who said that he has to fill out a credit report and since he is not working, they said that he has to let them know who is buying the soap, toilet tissue, toothpaste, etc. Since he does not have a job, he does get food stamps. Now, my question it legal for them to ask him who pays for what. I don't think they can ask him that because that has nothing to do with adding him to the lease.
  • My daughter is 12 she ws 11 wen her dad passed away he is on BC we were not married, he has proprty tat ws sold I hv to initiate conservationship on her behalf to set up trust, do I hv to apply to be approve or am I'm automatically approved becuz I'm her mother? I cant afford a high price lawyer is there free legal asst tat can assist me in this process?
  • My sister in law is pregnant and not married. She does not wish to be with the babies father and will be doing a paternity test when the baby is born. If the test comes back that he is the parent, does she have to make the babies last name the same as his in order to get child support? If he signs his parental rights away, does he still have to pay child support?
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  • Just recieved a paper for the court stating the The court has considered the pettion to modify Child Support Order. The court has revied the file and determined that there is no evidence in the court file that the petitione has ever been served upon the respondence pursuant to AZ Rules of family law procedure. They aslo sasid that it is orederd the ppetition to modify child support order will be dismissed on January 23, 2010 without prejudice for failure to timely serve the respondent unless prooof of timeky service is presented to the Court by that date? What does this mead in regular engkl




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program