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  • How do I get the form 13-907 to ask for my misdemeanor to be set aside?Thanks
  • Can the lawyer for the birth mother, force the guardians to give her visitations? She signed the guardianship paper that states, "I understand that I shall not have any right or claim to control or custody of such child or property." We have a guardianship hearing on Oct. 23, 2019.
  • I leased my home using a legit lease form accepted one months down for a security down. They stayed for 5 months, lived there for 2 months without paying rent before they dissapeared and trashed the home, we had to pay $2500.00 in repairs and I have not been able to re-rent the place still for 2 months. It was a 2 year signed lease. Will I have a chance to win if I take them to small claims court? I know where one of them work. Thanks Jim
  • Is it legal for the property manager to charge potential tenants an application fee then deny them from taking over the lease and then use the application fees or credit a tenants account?
  • I have joint legal and physical custody of my daughter (12). The access schedule we agreed to equals exactly 50/50 physical custody. Because of my work schedule (2:30-11:00pm M-F), my current wife and family members pick my daughter up from school and care for her in the evenings during the week. My question is, would a judge penalize me for not being the one physically with her during those times when figuring child support?
  • if someone uses a debit card without the owners knowledge or consent what can they be charged with and what are the repacutions
  • The child support worksheet has childcare listed, what does the word discretionary mean next to it? My children's father is suppose to pay childcare costs and now refusing because he says the word discretionary means its up to him to decide. Is that right? This amount is also a factor in figuring out the final child support amount? He pays 452.80 for 3 kids. But refuses to pay the childcare...just need some advice. Thx
  • My landlord keeps showing up at my apartment unannounced, knocking extremely hard. my 23 yr daughter answered the door, he was extremely rude and demanded to speak with me. I am a paraplegic and was sick in bed each time he came over. daughter suggested he call and set a day to talk with me. he still demanded that i get out of bed to talk to him. my daughter went to close the door as she has never met this man, and he stuck his foot in the door and pushed it open, my daughter told him she was gonna call police. this happened on 4 different days, 3rd time refused to talk son who is on lease
  • I have moved into a home where there is cockroaches. The landlord has been notified via email and has sprayed and bombed the place but the roaches are still here. Also my air conditioner doesn't cool my apartment properly the temperature is usually at 80 or more all day long. He says that this is adequate even though I have 2 fans I bought just to stay cool. Can I pay my rent to court and ask the court to force him to fix these problems?
  • what paper work do i need to give someone gaurdianship




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program