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  • My granddaughter and her boyfriend moved into my house after she had her baby they broke up and my granddaughter moved back in with her parents but the exboyfriend refuses to leave my house What do I do??
  • If a landlord fails to fix a hot water heater within 7 days is there any legal recourse in receiving a reduction in rent?
  • Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
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  • My husband abandoned me knowing i had no means of paying any bills because I am disabled and currently waiting approval of my benefits. Due to my disability, i can not work and therefore i can not pay mrent. I have exhaustrd.all my resources. I am very behind on rent, but I have been making payments towards the past due rent whenever I was able to and these payments were accepted. Now my landlord wants to evict me. He knows i am disabled and waiting for benefits. I was told i couldn't be evicted if my disability was the reason I couldn't pay rent, which is my case. Is this true?
  • My mother owns a 2 bedroom mobile home and my sister and 2 of her children moved in to take cate of my mother but land lord won’t except my sister staying cause they said is too many of them what is the limit for a two bedroom mobile home I was under the impression that is 2 person per bedroom??
  • what assistance is available to me I was 12 months behind caught up on six in September and they started foreclosure this month sell date is Feb of 2015 I thought they were working with me and no notice foreclosure.? my husband was on unemployment for over 4 years and recently is now working and we are able to catch up and stay on track.
  • My husband and I have been living apart for over a year. He left when I was 3 months pregnant. Right now we are going through a divorce. He is not paying child support. Will the court order that he pays back child support? He also has not pais medical bills resulting from birth. paid some child support, than stopped.
  • My daughter is refuseing to go to her Dads for Thanksgiving.Itryed to talk her into going but she refuses. She toled her father she does not want to go. He's threatening cort, saying she has no rights and her opinion don't matter. I toled him she is not a baby anymore she does have her own mind,and her opinion does matter she is a person too We do have quort papers but there from when she was a baby She is now a preteen. I don't feel right forcing her to go when she is flat refuseing i toled her she can stay home if she dont want to be there that i right? Or wrong?
  • Are coolers covered under what the landlord is to maintian. During the winter he takes out motor... with the weather getting warm we still have not cooler




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program