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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • does Arizona have a three strikes law.
  • The ARS codes are changed and updated every year. How do you know if the new law replaces the one from previous years.
  • I have sol custody of my son and his father has been ordered to pay child support but has failed to make an effort too. He has supervised visitation is it legal for me to stop that visitation for failed payment.
  • My sister is married to her husband. He moved to Arizona and married a lady in the Indian reservation would this be a legal marriage and what does my sister need to do to nail this guy.
  • The AC went out in our rental, today. We had it serviced two weeks ago and there was nothing wrong with it then. We put in a service order as soon as our renters called but they can not get our to fix it until tomorrow. The renters went to a hotel and our expecting us to pay for it. Are we responsible for paying for their hotel room?
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • If an adult child is living with his father and the father decides to kick the child out of the house. Does it require eviction notice before requiring them to leave? If possessions of the child are still in the house, how does the child go about retrieving them?
  • Hellow My workmen compinsation claim injury case was denied. Now I'm still injured have waited opproximently 25 days for services to continue & find out how serious my knee inju ry is. Now i"m out of a job cause my claim was denied help me with some free legal answers who to call by phone  thank you. HELP PLEASE!!!
  • So my family and I moved into a house on the 1st of the year and the second week we were there the wall heater had just stopped working and I have been asking him to fix the problem all the way up to it catching on fire and now I dont know what legal actions I should take. Me not thinking at all never texted him about it but i had called him on multiple accounts telling him about it and showed up to his office to tell him to fix it. I just had a baby on the 22 of feburary and the fire happened on the 24 the day after we brought him to the house.
  • If my parents die in Phoenix, AZ and want to be cremated and have me take their ashes to OR to be buried, what is the proceedure I need to make?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program