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  • My 16 year old son has a court date for his runaway charge. I have been told that he might be given volunteer hours and or a fine. What happens when he doesn't fulfill his penalty?
  • Can a landlord abbrubtly, without a written notice, enter my house if I have yet to pay my months rent? I am right now 4 days late from paying.
  • Mt mother is in an assisted living home. Her retirement income and social security combined barely cover those costs. If she defaults on her mortgage can her retirement income be garnished?
  • Iattempted suicideby bringing a propane tank into my home, letting it run gas, then igniting it. I was badly burned, arrested for arson of an occupied structure (me), a class 2 felony. I was held 4 days and released because no charges were filed. Are charges likely to be filed? Am I likely to go to prison? I have no priors. I plan to seek psychiatric help and counseling as I feel it is needed. Would or could that help my cause if I am charged and arrested? Thank you.
  • Are there any type of communication laws, guidelines,(w/ the mother) that are necessary for when I have my children during my parenting time?
  • My ex and i have a history of domestic violence. He is about to be released from prision in 3 weeks. what steps should i take to file for custody of our5yr old son?
  • I have lived with my brother for 2 yrs.I went out of town for the wknd,and he texted me that he wants me out,has changed the locks and refuses me access to get my belongings. There was never any written or oral contract for rent though I have given him money and have paid for repairs to the home. Can he lock me out because he feels I've disrespected him? He's also threatened me with police action if I go on the property. After I have cooked,cleaned and maintained his home what can I do?
  • My landlord sent me a 5 day pay or quit notice to my place of employment, along with a copy to my work email,I work at a large company of about 2k, mail is not given to us directly. It is opened by a mail room clerk and then distributed (if they feel it is work related) to the appropriate dept managers. My work email automatically sends acknowledgements when you open an email. So I know my landlord received this acknowledgement. My question, is can my landlord send me this 5 day notice to my place of work? Is the signature from the mail clerk acceptable in court?
  • I am trying to find out which chapter is best for me to file I do not want my home or car in the bankruptcy any help I was advised Chapter 7 but keep getting conflicting information can anyone assist n this question
  • Does my landlord have the right to charge me half the rent if my roommate uses 3 rooms and I only use 1. Which is 1/4 of the rental property




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program