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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My first year lease is ready to renew and my rental company is demanding that I get $100,000 in rental insurance that only covers damage to the house, not any of my property. Is this legal? Doesn't the homeowner have insurance on their property? Didn't my rental deposit cover any damages I might incur? Thank you for your help.
  • My ex- fiancée and I have joint custody(decision making). Last year March17, 2014, she was arrested for domestic violence( class 6 undesignated felony), ( discharging a firearm at her boyfriend),and received supervised probation, 3 yrs. In June of 2015, she was once again arrested for violation of probation and placed on IPS and extensive probation till 2017. Because Mother is violent and has potential to cause emotional and physical distress to my 5 yr. old daughter, do I have legal right as her father to file for sole custody and decision maker? Currently we have equal parenting time.
  • so i have been renting a mobile home for almost 3 years now my landlord had are septic pumped last year. and septic guy told him we need a new leach line and new tank. tree roots cracked it and roots growing in leach line and tank and not up to code. so he never fixed it and retired in oct. he said he would bring by new landlord so we can meet him and he would fix everything well we have never met him do not no how to get ahold of him. and septic was full again so i used rent to pay for it cant use heater i need help have 2 kids one is 4 other is year can my landlord get away with this??
  • Can my landlord require me to have a drug test as part of a lease agreement?
  • I am not married and want to establish custody and child support. How do i do this?
  • The father of my children had sole custody, and he committed suicide. I am wondering if I need to file for custody or if it automatically reverts to the mother. The children are with me, and have been since the incident. i have the death certificate and have filed at the social security office. I just feel funny not having anything that says I have custody. Should I file a modification or is it a waste of time?
  • Back in 2011 I was charged w/ felony 13-3415 (F6) DRUG PARAPHERNALIA VIOLATION 13-3407 13-3407 (F4) DANGEROUS DRUG VIOLATION and was offered a Diversion Program of which I completed...are these charges going to come up on a background check for a fingerprint clearance card and is there anyway to get them off my record altogether?
  • Is it possible to have a restraining order or protection order without divulging my home address or place of work. I am getting death threats regarding an my girlfriend's ex who has a history of domestic violence. If he knows this information and knows our whereabouts he will take action against it and has no care in the world for the reprocussion of the law including his own life.
  • my son and his wife have a court order they have joint custody they are not supposed to have the kids around anybody that they are romantically involved in they broke the court order can they get in trouble
  • I leased my house to a couple with a teenage daughter. It has been month to month after the first year. The wife signed the lease in her name only and then the couple divorced. She moved out and the ex-husband stayed with his daughter in the house. Is the ex-husband still liable for the provisions of the lease his ex-wife signed? Or is the ex-wife responsible? Thank you.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program