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  • How can I put my fathers name on my birth certificate if he can not come to the US?
  • I own my mobile home but rent the lot. I almost got evicted last month because I was two months behind in rent. I paid in full. I am disabled and working for minimum wage at a job that only has part time hours and I am on food stamps. I was unable to pay my rent and I am still a month behind. I have been served to be evicted for the price of one months rent. Are they legally allowed to do this for being one month behind? I will be able to pay the rent on the 31st. A new company has taken over this low rent trailer park and harassing everyone. Can they fine us for weeds on property?
  • We have bed bugs in our unit and the old landlord was supposed to treat for them but did not before they sold the unit is the new landlord responsible for treating for bed bugs
  • What is the homestead exemption and how it protect home owners?
  • My lease agreement with my landlord ended in November 2018. We are still living in the Unit, but she gave us a notice to vacate by april 6th 2020. She never made us sign another lease agreement for the last year and a half. I'm choosing to move out March 12th but the landlord is saying I still have to pay March's rent because my roommate is staying until March 31st. Am I obligated to stay and pay March's rent even though there is no new lease agreement and I signed a notice to vacate by April 6th. Which I'm leaving before that.
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  • Someone broke my window with a baseball from the outside. The landlord is charging me the cost incurred to fix the window. Is this my responsibility?
  • Four years ago I was arrested for a misdemeanor NSF check charge. I paid the check, no conviction was entered, the case was dismissed. However, the arrest still appears on my record. Is it possible to get this arrest record expunged? I am applying for a federal job that requires a criminal background check and would love to not have this arrest appear on my record.
  • Yesterday a beehive found its way into the eves over my front door, making it impossible to go in or exit from the front door. My wife (sadly the owner’s daughter. Not on good terms any longer) is highly allergic to bees. We have a restraining order on the landlord (father) so have little contact with him. We sent him a text to alert him of the bees. He refused to do anything that day and said he will need to get estimates, forgoing the risk this put o my wife. We found a company that came out the same day. We waiting several hours for him to comply but her refused. Are we liable for this fee




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program