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  • The police poated my pic.and car and lisc,pkate numbet on there facebook and now is allover town,about suspicious behavior ,with no probale cause is that legal
  • my ex husband and i are going to court to modify child custody. we have a 15 yr old boy and a 12 yr old girl. he has told the children if the cousody changes in my favor that they will have to share a bedroom. he has a four bedroom house is this legal
  • I am a disabled Veteran receiving Disability Compensation. I married a foreign national who continues to live in her country with no intentions of relocating to the United States, nor I to her country. I have submitted an application two years ago reguesting she be add to my disability compensation award as my spouse which would increase my award amount. Recently, in a conversation with a VA REP via telephone I was advised my request would be denied as my foreign born wife does not have a SSN. I have never heard of a claim being denied for this reason, is it true?
  • How do you prove neglect? my husband and myself are trying to get custody of his 9 year old son. He is the second oldest of 5 children. My husband was never married to this woman. We feel that she has not created a safe environment for him, let alone the rest of her children. How do I start the process?
  • Is there a program for an inmate at Dept of Corrections to file bankruptsy?
  • My ex husband and I have joint custody and he has court ordered visitation. He was a recovering alcoholic during our divorce and has since relapsed. He planned on going to rehab but his insurance will not cover it so he has not taken his visitation in 3 weeks. According to him he is being evaluated for psychiatric disorders in place of rehab. He struggles with compulsive lying, gambling, sex addiction. I suggested counseling for our children and he blew up and denied approving such care. He now says he will start taking his visitation again but is very unstable. What can I do to keep kids safe
  • my question is: reguarding "earnest deposits" and when they are not refundable/ also what does it mean when you have "first right of refusal to rent a specific property/,
  • I recieved a Civil Summons at my home. I want to payoff my debt, can I just contact the plaintiff or do I need to go thru the court? Is there any other alternet course of action for me?
  • I was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly conduct over a year ago. At the time I was threatened by the size of the male standing over and blocking me although he did not verbally say he was going to hurt me. I have a settlement conference soon and my lawyer has said that a plea will necessarily include at least a year of jail time and I would not get off for self-defense if this goes to trial since he did not verbally threaten me. I am pregnant and due to deliver before the settlement conference. Does this plea offer seem reasonable?
  • My son purchased a home for me. I have lived in it for 16 months. Now he wants me out of the house. Everyone knows the House was given to me. My other son lives with me. When he closed on the Home he put it in an LLC. Not sure if my name is on the LLC or not. I honestly did not think about it at time of closing. It’s a townhome in Scottsdale. I’m on SS and have limited income. My son was diagnosed with mental disorders recently




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program