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  • I was in a mva and I went to va hospital for treatment took for ever to be seen hence I got a lawyer went through doctors they sent me up with after I was treated went to trial jury said took to much time to be diagnosis so I lost law suit and had to pay med bills out of pocket couldn't find any lawyers to help me please help I lost my job and law suit and had to pay 20 k out of pocket.
  • We have 2 homes 3 mortgages all mortgages were with Bank (Proper name removed). Our residential home is on trial modification. Bank sold the loan in July with our investment property to a loan servicing company (Proper name removed) before I could finish with it's modification, I want to modify our HELOC loan that Bank holds on the investment property also. If I can't modify these 2 loans the house may go into foreclosure. My question: If Loan Servicer suggests fore closer whats going to happen with our HELOC loan with Bank.? Loan is around $101,000 HELOC at 83,000 and house is worth about 145,000.We really don't know whats best for us
  • We just rented a house was by management they were replacing the carpet. After we applied they said the owner said are replacing living room carpet and the rest which is ok but now that the has dried and the chemical smell gone is a strong scent coming from rooms. We signed lease week ago and everything with getting this house ready for move in been a battle with this management company. What are the laws about having urine soaked carpets a rental and having them replaced? There is huge health issues with having to breath in that smell. What are rights?
  • My husband was married 13 years ago, was going back and forth to school from yuma to Tucson. He acme home one weekend and his then wife filed for divorce said he abandoned her and the baby. But yet told him she cheated and the baby wasn't his. Her and her family kept the baby from him and filed a restraining order on him. It's been 13 years we have searched for her and his possible son. There last known location is Yuma Az. How do we go about having her served . He is now being hit for child support and $40,000? We need Answers. He wants to know is it his son and if not ??? please help
  • My employer is now requiring me to get a physical to return into work due to me mentioning that I need to be seen for mental issues and problems I have been having. Can they require me to do this?
  • how do I qualify for an anulment
  • I was told by the rental company that Arizona passed a new law that if a person has a protective order they can get out of their lease. Is this true?
  • My husband just recently paid his child support debit off and his daughter turns 18 in September and still in school .his divorce agreement says that the support stop when she turns 18 .and she still in high school since she has been left in kindergarten twice.and the child support what's him to pay extra 700.00 support plus more to pay the support the child support office here is saying he needs to continue to pay why does he have to pay it if he has only paid the debit off in full.and his daughter turns 18 in Sept and saying that the oder support needs to continue for two years?

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  • I cheated on my husband and now i'm pregnant. My husband & I are fixing things and decided we do not want a DNA test for father paternity. The person who I had an affair with was also with someone else- he preferred abortion to solve "the problem" I refused- he stood with his 10 long year girlfriend and did not tell her anything. 1 Month later & now he is interested because his girlfriend found out and will leave him only if they child is his. He did not want anything to do with this child i refuse to DNA unless ordered through court. Want to see if its possible for him to give up his rights.
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program