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  • I'm just curious in case things go wrong. But I'm hispanic & a legal US citizen, my boyfriend is Native American & we have a a child together. From what I've heard from a friend is that by law since he's Native, that he can have full custody of our child. I want to know if this is true, because he's on probation & has a bad record and where he lives with his mom is not so safe for our baby since she smokes. So I'm wondering with that in the way, if I would have more of a right to keep the baby with me?
  • Can my daughter, 13 testify in m order of protection harassment injunction against her father's girlfriend? We have an order of protection against the girlfriendour
  • I just found out I have a Inditement for me, my boyfriend signed the certified letter to me. I never even knew the police were called/ I'm in shock about this I did not! do anything to this person! He Was so drunk he fell off the chair I didn't even know his arm was hurt till days later,he admits that I did not do this to him but told his family I did,, he said the police came to take a report a week later?? this was in October I don't know what to do there saying I need fingerprints/DNA before my court date tomorrow! are they crazy they just assume I did this without ever speaking to me!
  • My boss several time has used " f'king hispanish guy "expression in front of me even though he i am one of them and once used referring to me to a friend on the phone, he did not know i was around at the time but i do not have anything on tape. What do i do ?
  • An insurance company contacted us and informed us that our father purchased us whole life policies the year of our birth. He is not alive so we have no information on these policies. The insurance company claims that both my brother's and my policies have had two loans issued against them on the same date. They cannot provide us any documents to prove the loans that have over the last 30+ years have increased for interest and penalties to over $8500 on each policy. It is my understanding that an active contract requires documents associated must be kept. Would that be accurate?
  • The new owner has raised the rent $20 per pet. I have 4 cats that I paid $125 each to the original owner but there is no re Ord if it. Now he is saying all animals, even cats, have to be leashed. Not doing so may cause termination. Is this legal?
  • Where can I get help for my 39 year disabled daughter who has been on SSI since 2001 and last year was denied SSI, we are receiving part benefits as she is in appeal but need a lawyer to assist us on her case before we go to court in front of a judge and also help her to get her benefits back permanently. Any lawyers I have contact want a deposit and hourly wages which of course anyone on SSI couldn't possibly pay. Where can I go to get her proper representation without a huge bill?? She lives at home with me. question queue
  • What is the first step I would take to have my husband adopt my first child? What if the father is unknown and not on the birth certificate?
  • I read in the A.R.S. §§ 33-1322 –1324, which specifies: A landlord is required to do the following: Supply running water and reasonable amounts of hot water. Questions: Must I, as a Landlord, have to pay my tenants gas bill for hot water? What does "reasonable amounts of hot water" mean specifically? The water heater is in good condition and does not repairs. P.S., I already pay their monthly water that comes from the city.
  • My sixteen year old son was giving mine and his mother's last names at birth by a nurse that took it upon herself to do so. At the time she and I weren't together but since have been. What we want to do is remove his mother's last name which leaves him with one first, middle, and one last name instead of one first, one middle, and two last names How do I go about doing it?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program