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  • I have a daughter who just graduated high school and is going to be 18 in 3 weeks. I am moving out of state be for then. Is there any way for her to get her own apartment. She is also a full time college student and a part time worker. she makes enough to pay rent with no worry what so ever.
  • Clicked to renew my lease and got an email accepting that request. Went to log on to the website to sign the new lease and it was not available. Informed the apartment management and received an email saying they would write it up and send it, however I still have not received anything. Can they for some reason not renew my lease after the initial acceptance? My current lease is up at the end of June, if I did not want to renew I would have had to give 60 days written notice. Can they give me less than I am required to give them if they do not renew for some reason?
  • When a duplex is sold, does an existing lease insure that the price will not increase? What percentage can a new property owner increase the rent payment, upon legal ownership? A lease has been requested and not received, any recourse for the tenant?
  • My husband just recently paid his child support debit off and his daughter turns 18 in September and still in school .his divorce agreement says that the support stop when she turns 18 .and she still in high school since she has been left in kindergarten twice.and the child support what's him to pay extra 700.00 support plus more to pay the support the child support office here is saying he needs to continue to pay why does he have to pay it if he has only paid the debit off in full.and his daughter turns 18 in Sept and saying that the oder support needs to continue for two years?

    Where Can I Buy Cialis (tadalafil) Online at Lowest Price?

  • I have joint & several restitution,i have never paid into, i served prison time, they didn't. Now, it's going to go to an outside collection agency. I am in fear they'll try to take my husbands income by force. Can they do this? He is not involved at all.
  • Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
  • i asked a question a few weeks ago but i cannot recall my assigned id number to check the answer. i live in ca but my child lives in az and i have a custody case in maricopa county. my childs mom is on drugs and has tested positive on court mandated drug tests. i am trying to obtain legal services. i do not have funds so i was directed to this site. is there any way i can get help even tho i live out of state?
  • how do I get a court appointed lawyer. I have filled out all of the papers and had the mother served. she has not responded yet but she does have a lawyer
  • how do you divorce an Alzheimers patient?
  • i need help trying to get started on taking guardianship of my girlfriend. shes living with me and another family i just recently got an apartment i wanted her to move in with me but shes 17 and can't be on the lease. what can i do to try and get temporary guardianship until she turns 18 in july




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program