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  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

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  • I live in a manufactured home on my daughers land. In lieu of space rent, I "sold" my trailer and car to her back in 2010. It is now jointly titled. When I die, I will only have household possessions, clothes, some jewerly. My entire possessions if sold at yard sale prices would probably net less than $2,000. Would my daughter have to do a Small Estate Affidafidt for my few earthly possessions? The cost of filing and hiring a lawyer would surpass the value. I may have to go on Medicaid as well- do they go after personal possessions (not property)? I would hate to have to cause such a burden for such few possessions. Thank you!
  • This past February (2014) my kids father and myself came to an agreement that he would take the kids to school two days a week. However he takes them to school late often, they're not finishing homwork, and are loosing sleep because he lives far so theyre waking up about an hour earlier then when i have them. Is there anything i can do about this? Ive tried resolving this with him but he refuses.
  • How do I foreclose on a property that has a breech of contract for a promissory notes that was secured by the home with a lien and one that was recorded last year? What is the process?
  • I recently received 2 notices, one from my HOA and one from an attoney's office saying that I have ignored a violation notice. I never received a any notice prior to the these notices and now that are telling me I own them $500 for notice and attorney fees. How is this fair? And what can I do?
  • If my car is repossessed, due to non-pmyt, will I still have to pay for the car?
  • My husband just recently paid his child support debit off and his daughter turns 18 in September and still in school .his divorce agreement says that the support stop when she turns 18 .and she still in high school since she has been left in kindergarten twice.and the child support what's him to pay extra 700.00 support plus more to pay the support the child support office here is saying he needs to continue to pay why does he have to pay it if he has only paid the debit off in full.and his daughter turns 18 in Sept and saying that the oder support needs to continue for two years?

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  • I was recently in a relationship with a guy who was verbally and emotionally abusive. We were living together for about 3 months and he was always yelling at me and I was getting very scared. After he held me inside our apartment and refused to let me leave I finally got out and moved out. I tried to keep things civil. He moved to out of state but he says he will come back. He calls the house I am staying at several times a day.  He breaks into my emails and talks to my friends. He threatens me and he gets very angry at times and calls me and says he will do stuff to me and he will do stuff to my friends . I was wondering what I could do. I am very stressed out and scared and I feel like it is getting worse and I need a solution. I looked up about an order of protection but Im not sure where to go and how to do it. Id like to stop him from contacting me, my family, and my friends. I feel that he may be emotionally unstable and have issues that could turn to violence. He says he is coming back to Arizona and I just want to protect myself, my family, and my friends.
  • My wife kicked me out by threatening to call the cops on me and tell them im violent. I left because she was the one slapping me. How do I get my items? Do I still have to pay rent due on 5th? Kicked out on the 1st.
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program