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  • My landlord has set a move in date of Aug 1,2013, with full rent due on the move in date, plus additional rent due on the 20th of each month, am I entitled to a prorated rent for a shortened month.
  • I only have one car loan as far as debt. I only get child support as far as income ($300). I go to school full time. A year ago the house I was renting burnt down. It was an accident on my son's(17) part. I have received a bill for about $170,000 to repay the damages. Would Bankruptcy be an option? Can I file with only having this one bill? Would I lose my car since that is all I own now? Do I wait till the bill is older since I just got it?
  • My mother is the guardian for my brother, who has Down's Syndrome. He is dependent on her for many of his needs. How can she plan ahead in terms of his care and guardianship? In other words, can she put that in her will or does she need to set something up in the courts? What happens if she does not? Kindly,
  • If my landlord accuses me of smoking marijuana based on what neighbors have said, does he have to prove that I've been doing illegal drugs before evicting me, or can he simply evict me based on what the neighbors told him?
  • Who is responsible for broken waterfaucet
  • I share joint custody of my son with my ex husband. We agreed to a parenting schedule at the time of our divorce 2 yrs ago. Now, I'm engaged and will need to modify the parenting schedule. Can my ex prevent me from moving 100 miles away to live with my new husband when our original order read "must remain 25 miles or less". I have a job lined up as well. How much notice do I need to give to move with our son to our new home?(I have physical custody)
  • Can you please outline the steps necessary to acquire a birth certificate when one was never filed in 1980 when I was born? Thank you!
  • We live in Louisiana and in the recent past I had three headaches that were really bad. The third one was so horrific I thought I was having a stroke. I found out that after our neighbors moved a major effort was made to rid the apartment of insects. I also found out that the exterminating company was rotating insecticides. My fear is that we were affected by what was used. Both my blood pressure and my sons went really high. I have highblood issues but my diastolic went much higher then usual. Do I have a right to know what was used in that apartment?
  • My apartment community has changed ownership several times since I moved in 4 years ago. I discovered that my unit was wired to provide electricity for one of the apartment amenities that was outside of my unit. The management has fixed the problem but they are only offering to reimburse me for the time that they owned the property, about 13 months and told me that I would have to track down the previous owners for the rest of the money. Should they be obligated to pay a rebate for the 3 years that I was paying for their electricity or do I indeed need to take it up with the previous owners
  • If my low income apartment does not pass inspection do i have to pay rent?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program