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  • if my friend ask me to get her pregnant and she tells me I will not have to have any financial liability can she still take me for child support? what papers should we get signed so I wont be responsible for this child
  • If an elderly person gets ill and a family member moves them to a hospital in another state, are they be considered a resident of the new state?
  • I had a tax # when I lived in IN.I never used this number but the state placed a lien on my credit.I finally had this released but just last week I was called by a credit collections agency, saying I owed this still. they have called me 5 times in 5 days and lied on the messages left, says that my number was listed as a reference for a family member or friend? asked me to call them.I think this is harrasment and fraud for the lies left on vm?
  • What to do with an exwife that has not followed the judge orders on the separation of goods after the divorece was done. She is still taking money from my account,she has taken things from my home, how can I get her out of my life and make her return all the money and goods she has taken afte the divorce?
  • My lease is up very soon at my current residence and my landlord has informed me that the home owner is holding me responsible for a Queen Palm Tree that died this past year and expects me to purchase and replace the tree. This is a rather expensive tree...$750 to be exact. Well, I don't feel like I should have to buy a new palm tree and I'm wondering if I'm legally responsible and need to know if I am. The irrigation system has been nothing but trouble sense before I leased the property. I've had constantly complain about it and had to have numerous repairs made and finally replace the system
  • The judge granted me 2 hours a week supervised visitation is the other parent allowed to move to another state
  • I am needing info about relocating my neice and her two children from Phoenix to Oklahoma. She is divorced,receiving 400.00 child support. She is unemployed and no ther income.This results from having a child that is bipolar, ADHD, and mood disorders. She desperately needs help from her family in Oklahoma. Her children's father will not let her move. We can help her with her children but e cannot afford an attorney and doesn't know a lot of people in Phoenix. Any advice or contacts that I could speak with. Thank you so much
  • I share joint custody and my sons father drops him off at his siblings home and my son stays there most days when he is not under my care. He sleeps on their couch at night. Can I possibly get full custody if the other parent is doing this? Also, my son has a lot of trouble learning in school and he does have an IEP and he gets no help academically when he is with other parent and I have to always pick up where my son last left off in regards to reading and homework and it hurts him academically because this is only being done part time. Can either of those situations help me get primary care
  • I have no a/c in my apartment and the land lord just says they'll do something about it but never do and it's hot for me and my kids what can I do?
  • At the age of 15 can you choose who you want to live with?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program