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  • Is it correct (IN ARIZONA), that FMLA Act does NOT include siblings.
  • I have a man in my home that was my boyfriend although there has not been a relationship for over two months. There is no lease or contract, he does not pay rent, he has stopped working and verbally abuses me and my children to the point my children are staying elsewhere. He refuses to leave so how can I get him out now?
  • My home was in the middle of probate when they sold it so prior to bank sold it to company and because there wasn't somebody legally responsible for the loan hence I had to probate it before anybody at company would discuss it with me, and they granted me executorship a week after the sale. I then had a stroke and was in hospital, court papers scheduled in a few days to go to court. I want to keep my house of 17years what can I do? Please help fast. I am a widower of a vet and on disability as well.
  • I spent over 10 years in prison and havent had any luck with work, how can the state of az hold me responsible for back child support for children if the incarceration was imposed under mandatory sentencing and no provision was adopted too offset me being charged child support and fees and interest during the incarceration?
  • I recently found my biological brother so would I ever be able to get custody of my niece and nephew who have already been adopted by another foster family?
  • Can you request by call for an employee working at a apartment complex to stop contacting (texting and calling) you by phone?
  • My mom's land lord gave us a letter that we had to sign for from the mail man stating that she had 60 to move out. His reason for kicking my mother out was " He wanted new tenants"? Is that legal in Arizona also his appointment does not have any smoke dectors there mold in the bathroom and kitchen I have ask him 6+ times to address this issue and he reply is ok I'm going to have someone come out and fix the toilet n sinks but no one ever came my mother has been in the hospital 4 times now due to his neglected duty to fix things in his apartments. He is a slum land lord can someone please help.
  • I recently received a notice from a collection agency stating that I owe $482 for services provided at the apartment complex. I was told at their main office that the charge was for the replacement of the glass stove top and paint. My lease ended on August 19th, 2013; when I went to the office to turn in the keys and schedule a moving out walk-through I was told that it wasn't necessary as no deficiencies were found in the apartment. It's been about 5 months since I moved out and not once did I receive a statement of charges. What should I do?
  • My friend (USMC vet) walked out of work (pt job) yesterday because they scheduled him for a random twelve hour shift, when he had school and work (ft job) an hour after that pt shift ended. He therefore quit without two weeks notice, I understand that. The following day a group message from management; to all remaining staff was sent. It got out of hand when all three managers at some point talked negatively about his credibility as a man and adult. Being a marine as well, I defended him. It got to the point I don't feel secure in my job and I handed in my uniform. Is the company liable?
  • Paid $150 for hair services and was not happy with outcome,. The business offered to fix for free under their 2 week service guarantee. After having the "fix" completed they attempted to charge me $75 stating that I had agreed to pay! I left very angry and wrote to the BBB. The business is charging me for theft and I want to know what options I have as I do not feel I should have to pay more for services that were offered to correct their mistake! I have pictures and the $150 receipt from the original service.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program