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  • Bought a used car in a private sale. One week later the engine developed problems and now I am face with replacing the engin. The seller never disclosed that there was an oil leal. Do I have recoursee?
  • My cousin has a 14 month old boy and she has joint physical and legal custody with her ex husband. She has him the first half of the week and he is supposed to have him the last half of the week as per the court. The ex-husband has not seen his child in over 3 months, because he doesn't want to pick up the kid anymore and has told my cousin every week that he is busy with something else and can not take him. He mentioned to her recently that he just wants to give up the child because he doesn't want to be a father anymore. Is it even possible for him to give up parental rights completely?
  • what is the amount of income to be reported. Is it over 2000 in resources,a monthly amount or longer.this is for renewal.
  • Landlord does not want to fix a broken mailbox. The post office will not deliver until it’s fixed. Who’s responsible to fix the broken mailbox.
  • So my landlord is evicting me due to my tone of voice is that legal or not she said she felt she was threatened for raising my voice
  • My daughter has a friend that is 16 parent Is moving but they want to stay here the mother says she will give me notarized note but what is my legal responsibility
  • Hello, my Mom remarried and passed away within 4 years. She had written a holographic will, that was notorized, and verified as her handwriting. She had notated that when/if the house was sold, it would be split amongst her children. She had also mentioned a life insurance policy in her will. This will was shown to all children and spouse. Before passing, Mom learned her life insurance was canceled. Questions: Even though life insurance is no longer available, but mentioned in will, is the will still valid? Also, does the Widow recieve portion of funds from house sale when not designated?
  • Landlord trying to bill me for carpet cleaning and replacement after move out..wht right s do I have to counter this?
  • My son's girlfriend was pregnant. She was due Dec. 26. 2014. She said Baby was born & Died on March 10.2015. I have proof no child was born or died to her in the state of Arizona in 2014 or 2015... she sent a text with pics of Beautiful Healthy Baby Boy.. stating the cord wrapped around his neck. And that he didn't make it. My husband and i's first grandson. She States he was cremated that same day. We as a family would like to know. Where he is.
  • Public Housing is asking for a letter stating that I have file child support to the father of my son. My question is that where can I get that letter.Do I have to go to court for this?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program