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  • After i give the notice, how and where to i "file suit"?
  • do you have to be licensed to be a 1099 independant contractor
  • Do I have to run credit on everyone that turns in an application to rent my property? What are fair reasons to deny the application without running a background? I have an applicant threatenubg to file a complaint on a violation of the fair housing act, citing race as her reason. honestly, iā€™m not sure what race she even is but I denied her because she stated on her application that she filed for bankruptcy in 2010. What is fair in this instance? Are there printed guidelines for landlords to follow when accepting a renter?
  • I rented a house from my brother and sister in-law a few years ago, without a written rental agreement. Over the course of the rental period I mentioned to my brother to purchase a home waranty for the three properties that they own, including the one that I was in. At the time of rental, they were a happily married couple and since that time, they have separated. I am moving out of their home and purchasing my own home. Now my sister in law wants me to pay the cost of replacing a shower due to water damage in the walls. Am I liable?
  • Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
  • My husband and I own our house and let my brother stay with us after he lost his place to live a few months ago. He does not pay rent or any bills. He drinks and gets verbally aggressive/abusive and we want him out. We have 6 kids of our own we dont want him around anymore. He has been getting mail at our house now. No lease or written agreement was ever made. I thought he'd be out by now. He says we cant throw him out. If he has no lease and we own the home, why cant we throw him out?
  • My mother passed away. She does have a will and I was nominated as the executer and trustee. I am the sole beneficiary. She only has a bank account but when the account was setup nobody was on the account but her. no payable unpon death. What is required by the bank for me to access the account to begin paying for her expences? Her will did state that I shoud have immediate access without going through the courts.
  • I and my ex girlfriend are both minors, at the age of 16. Now, after a month of being broken up she has told me that she is pregnant. She has had this confirmed by the doctor and is now saying that she is going to need child support from me; furthermore,if I don't give the money to her she will get a court order. Do I have any right to deny the possibility that the child is mine, or deny paying child support? I am unemployed and my legal guardian is as well; we live off of my mothers child support for her own kids.
  • i have a neighbor who has a ton of clutter on his walk way to the front door of his apt one its not only and eye sore but its also a fire hazard my landlord trys to get him to remove it but is having a hard time what can she do is there any laws that can help her
  • Can I request to get custody of my daughter through the court if 1. her mother cannot support her, she doesn't have a job. Her mother is also not following the court orders regarding visitation.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program