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  • My son has been taken over state lines without my permission. He was sent by his mother to his grandmother's I think. We were never married and there is no court ordered custody. How do I start the process of getting him back into Arizona and getting custody of him?
  • My friend's wife passed away back on February this year, and had a life insurance policy for $20,000.00. He is been calling and the answer is that they still investigating her claim. She died of Heart related illness. My friend does not want to hire a lawyer for that amount of life insurance. Is there any way that he can put pressure to the insurance company? Is there something your organization can do to help? He is willing to pay a moderate fee to accelerate the process?
  • Is the state required to make a decision on your unemployment claim by a certain amount of time? What is the longest they can wait to make a decision on whether or not you qualify for unemployment? What happens if you get a job before they make a decision?
  • Three years ago, I put myself on child support because the mother of my child would not allow me to see our daughter. As part of the court order, the mother of my child claims our daughter on taxes for all even years while I claim our daughter for all odd years. Earlier this year, when I went to file my 2013 taxes, I was advised that someone had already claimed my daughter's social security number. What are my next best steps? And no, I have not yet filed my 2013 taxes and she has admitted to this crime. Can I take her to court? Should I file anyway and let the IRS catch her?
  • Can a phoenix police officer go into a courtroom and serve an order of protection,since the person is already there.
  • Can a landlord abbrubtly, without a written notice, enter my house if I have yet to pay my months rent? I am right now 4 days late from paying.
  • What parental rights do I have as a non-custodial parent. The custodial parent refuses to inform of medical conditions, medical and dental visits, school functions (states I am forbidden to attend), parent-teacher conferences, open house at school, basically he believes I am not permitted to have any form of contact outside my ordered visitation time - Saturdays 7am - 6pm?
  • My home 8s foreclosed and sold back ti the mirgager. Iwhen the papers were served to me, the company from which i was paying on a water softener system and still paying ons name were on the papers, too. What does that mean?
  • I am 19, I moved away from home when I was 17. I have since then have lived with my boyfriend and gone to school. I am finishing HS and will be getting ready to make some decisions for college. I do not work. Would I be eligible for AHCCS?
  • How do I file a contempt of court because husband is not paying temporary spousal maint. plus he's changed titles on vehicles and property/house?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program