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  • Where do I find my ATLAS number
  • I got a loan in my name for a vehicle and my friend was supposed to make payments on it. She hasnt made payments in 20 months. I want to go and get it because i have to pay now. How could i do that legally. because its on her property and the police said i cannot take it because we had a verbal agreement that if she paid every month she could keep it. But the title is in my name and the plates and the loan also.
  • in aug. 2011 i temporarly gave my daughter to my mom and dad. No papers were signed just a verbal agreement that they would only be taking care of her until i moved back to the county they lived in and got settled. Since Jan. 2012 i have been askin for my parents to return her and they keep refusing. Now in April i recently recieved a order of temporary gaurdianship and i need to know what i can do to contest this?
  • x boyfriend and i have a 17 year old son, the father got involved in his life at age 12, last year i agreed to joint custody, because he would be put in a better, our son attened school for approx 2 months his dad felt he was not applying him self so he took him out of school. making my son a drop out, he wants to be in school badly, on top of this our son did something he disagreed with and his father kicked him out of the house, he is so depressed. he's unable to live with with me do to an abusive situation im trying to get away from. is it legal for him to put our son out like that?
  • When arrested for hindering or interfering ,the officer failed to read me my Miranda rights.Are these grounds for a dismissal?
  • i need some legal advice or help. i have a felony against me in phoenix, i need to go to court in order to clear my credit, however i currently live and work in san antonio , tx. i cant make it to az. i've completed my payments however in order to clear my credit i need to speak to a judge. is there anything that i can do here in san antonio since i cant make it to phoenix?
  • How old do you have to be to get a job in arizona ? online it says 14 but i want to be sure.
  • If you are only 14 can you still get emanciated?
  • Oue lease is up in a couple of days, and the landlords and his family have been there for the past two updating the lawn. We were not notified that they were coming prior to their arrival. This has been an ongoing problem with them. They felt that as soon as they put the house on the market they can come whenever they choose. We have requested in writing that they give us notice , but in last two days they have not honored that . What are my rights?
  • I have a vehicle that is still under factory warrenty. I had problems with the Key, brought it to the dealership, they told me since I had a after market alarm installed (Over a year ago, that never caused problems to the vehicle) It voided my warrenty. They never gave me any kind of proof showing that my alarm was the cause of the problem. I then had to pay out of pocket and feel scammed. Does aftermarket stuff void warrenties?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program