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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • If a person is self employed, what income value should the person use to calculate child support?
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

    Where Can I Buy Viagra (sildenafil) Online at Lowest Price?

  • Can I take my landlord to court for making me pay for water when it's not stated in my lease I'm not fixing my washer and dryer for 5 months now?
  • can you receive unemployment going to school part-time?
  • My fiance and i were in an argument and i called the cops because she pushed me several times. it was a big mistake and i wished i never called them. They came and arrested her. Now she is out and she cannot come home or call me. we have 3 kids together and are torn apart now. Is there anything we can do to get passed this huge mistake? Her trial is a month from now.
  • After enduring years of abuse broken neck, stabbing, multiple other injuries my husband inflicted on my body now paralysi . He's called Chandler police filed false reports I'm always charged w/no evidence he broke my neck son called 911 i was put in jail when I didn't do anything. past 2 years Chandler PD & Marok charged me w/29 false allegations He cleared out all my accounts. So self rep family ct.Hiding behind false haress. inj.HE MADE $5MILL$ IN STOCKS 201 keep me away financial info. ***JUST NOTIFIED I'VE BEEN INDICTED FOR ARSON DANGEROUS FELONY IN FEDERAL. t COURT ON FRIDAY APRIL 22ND
  • If I am trying to return to work from maternity leave and supervision is refusing to give me back my normal hours, do i file a complaint with my HR or the state? My supervisior is not allowing me to return within the 12 week time frame even though Iasked to return then.
  • My son broke into a building but didn't steal anything is there anyway to get expunged?
  • Does the landlord have to provide a stove
  • me and my wife split but she told me if im not with her i cant have no contact with my 1 year old son. she left turned her phone off and has not contacted me about my sons waer abouts or safty and her family tells me there in mexico witch i dont believe but she tells me not to call. i just want to know since we are legley married can she do that and do i have rights to have my son or at least see him?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program