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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


    Do I need an attorney? Unsure of what kind of help you need, let AzCourtHelp guide you. You may not need an attorney after all. Learn more at —

  • Savvy Seniors

    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • Is there a "lemon law" for refridgerators. We have a fridge less than 4 years old, the compressor went out and GE fixed it without charge. Then a month and a half later the freezer stopped working. It was repaired, then broke again one month later. Repair men have been out to the house multiple times and can't fix it. GE is stating that they will give us a discount on a new model but will not replace under the limited 5 year warranty. Do we have any legal rights in AZ? Thank you.
  • who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

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  • the father of my child does not want to drive both ways to pick up his son for visits- can I be forced by courts to drive oneway?
  • Am I allowed to ask if a prospective tenant has been arrested/convicted and what for?
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  • iam a us citzen and i got married in mexico because my husband does not have papers and we want to get him the green card because iam currentky living in arizona and he is in mexico and it is hard to see each other so we cant to get him a green card how can we go about this, we dont have an idea what lawyer can we thats affordable can you help?
  • Where can I get my baby's birth certificate in Tucson az?
  • My son friend 14 year old kid is homeless and staying in different friends home every day..his mom has never contacted any adults and the kid doesn't know where she is at ..what can I do to get this kid help
  • I have been seoerated from my husband for the last 8 week. He told me to take my two boy age 6 & 8 and move to my sisters in Nevada. I have both boys in school here and have a new job . befor my paper were filed with the Nevada. He filed in AZ. I was served today with paper stating I must return the children to Flagstaff. I need to know what I can do to appeal this discision. My husband has anger issues he is bypolar and has very eratic behavior
  • My home foreclosed last April, i was unable to pay the mortgage and the hoa, i tried making arrangements with both parties but was unsuccessful, now over a year later i am getting a letter from a law office saying i need to pay the hoa. Can they take legal action against me?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program