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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My daughter has custody the grandchildren. She is a drug addict/alcoholic. She has struggled with her addictions for years and once again losing battle. The children's father is in the military, stationed in WA. How can he ask for custody?
  • If my parents have a temporary custody arrangement through a mediator & haven't gone before a judge yet for a final arrangement can I refuse to back to my dad's when my visitation time is over with my mom, can my sister as well she's 12? If not what can my sister & I do to let the judge no we want to move back with our mom or have more time with her? Does the judge even listen to what we want or anything about how we live or are treated at our dad's house? Thxs for any help
  • My lease is expiring on May 23, 2020. I signed a notice to vacate, but my roommate refuses to sign. My landlord has initiated a month to month lease and is telling me that I am responsible for the rent until both of us sign the order. I cannot control what my roommate does. Am I legally bound to this person? Can they force me into a month to month lease, and make me stay when I want to move?
  • When children are ADOPTED by the grandparents and the children were in cos custody at the time they were adopted. Does the grandparent get monthly checks fro the state?
  • My rent has increased each the lease i signed back in Sept 2017, I'm responsible for utilities. There's no fixed flat rate stated only saids 50& based on occupants and 50% on unit size. Should my utility bill be the same each month then?? I believe some illegal activity is goimg on Amd i want to know my rignts.
  • When a duplex is sold, does an existing lease insure that the price will not increase? What percentage can a new property owner increase the rent payment, upon legal ownership? A lease has been requested and not received, any recourse for the tenant?
  • We moved in our home and we were charged a deposit of 1100 and last months rent of 1100 we had an agency pay our last months rent I understand my landlord has 14 days to pay us the deposit back but when does she pay the last months rent back considering it's already been paid?
  • how soon does a complaint for divorce have to be served, before its dismissed
  • My Divorce Decree was supposed to be filed on August 16th 2013 and I don't see the electronic online file minutes. Where can I find out if they were filed properly and ontime?
  • I live in a beautiful Mobile home park in a travel trailer. Everyone who is in a travel trailer or Rv is asked to pay 4 summer months up front in order to stay in the park. It is not written on the lease. Is this a legal practice?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program