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  • My wife and I are living separate and have divided all of our assets and financials. Also we signed a contract to protect one another. Will this hold up in court if we decide to get divorced later?
  • My Divorce Decree was supposed to be filed on August 16th 2013 and I don't see the electronic online file minutes. Where can I find out if they were filed properly and ontime?
  • My brother is paying his ex gf child support for two daughters. One turned 18 years old and moved out of the mother's home. Does my brother still pay the child support even though his 18 year old daughter isn't living with her mother?
  • My husband filed a divorce since august of this year and he is seeking for a sole custody of our daughter. My question is, is there a possibility that he could get it? when he got a history of domestic violence in casa grande in 2009 and extreme dui in 2011 and both incident he was arrested, when we're still together.
  • How do I report someone abusing this system (AHCCCS Medical Program). Phone number please to call Thank you
  • My child's mother did not put me on the birth certificate. I have had a hostile relationship with her and was forced to give 100% of my paycheck just to see my daughter the first 3 years, leaving me with no room to pay legal fees to establish paternity and support. She also has not filed for support. I have not been in contact with the mother in 3 years nor has she been in contact with me. At this point, I would like to sever my parental rights even though I am not legally established as the father so I can move on with my life. Is this possible?
  • The home I rented went into foreclosure and was sold, unbeknownst to me or to the property management company (manager was not the owner). I made 2 rental payments to the management company during the time between the home being sold and us becoming aware of it. I made a CFK agreement with the new owner and requested my deposit, as well as the 2 rental payments back from the manager. They told me to give them a key and they would return my deposit, even though I made it clear I was not moving out. I returned my key and they refused to return my deposit or payments. Do I have any recourse?
  • What are rules for Medicaid recipients with regard to the other spouses rights? I'm planning for if I would have to go to a Nursing Home.
  • My father passed away in Sept. He left no will. He has a lien on a condo for 75k, had paid almost 30k. Lots of Credit Card bills, maybe 30k. I am 3rd child, 2 older, 3 younger. I will be taking over Condo. I am on death certificate too. Am I responsible for any of the bills? I have started probate process in Pima County by filling out Affidavit of Succession to Real Prop, is this correct? I was told ALL my siblings need to sign n notarize? Correct? And on this form, am I the Affiant, or is that each of my siblings filling out the form? 5. The interest of the decedent in the property is _______, who, me? 9. Which do I choose there? First option, since there's NO WILL? Please help. Thanks!!!
  • I checked my credit rating and found out that someone used my ssn and name to purchase a house in Phoenix Arizonia. What do I do? WHre to I go to confrim this information is true?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program