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  • New York has a property tax exemption or deferment plan for those whose income is under 13k a year and you must be 70. does Arizona have the same program? if so, it's well hidden from public.
  • My wife and I are being threatened with a grandparents rights suit I've have looked up many different things to see if my mother can even file our son was born less then a month before we were married which we did not intend to have happen but you don't control when the baby comes can she file anything
  • Per my lease agreement I sent notice to my landlord that I wanted to renew the lease a month prior to lease ending via email 6/28/19, the same day he sent me notice of rent increase which was received on 6/29/19. He recently replied that we are on a month to month, our lease does not end until July 31st at 5pm. He took over two weeks to respond to email, I am unable to give him 30days notice as he took too long to respond, I recently emailed back accepting he rental amount if a lease is written. What right do I have? Last year when he raised the rent he back dated the 30 day notice.
  • I have a 21 yr old handicapped son whom my current husband would like to adopt, is this possible considering his age even though he is disabled?
  • We just moved in a month ago to our first apt and we have a pitbull and boxer mix and we disclosed that info on day one. The lady we talked to the first day said it wouldnt be a problem and the just put in boxer for the breed. Fastforward to a day ago we get a notice saying that there was a complaint that we had a pitbull and they are not allowed at my apt complex. I went to the office sayong there was clearly a mistake but no she gave me a ten day notice to get rid of my dog or give 30 days notice of us wanting to move out. I read over the lease agreement and the pet addendum and there is nothing about breed restrictions or pitbulls. Who is in the wrong and where do I stand legally?
  • I started my lease in April of 2008. It expired in April of 2009. It's now December of 2010, I have given a 30 day notice to vacate. Am I responsible for nonpayment of rent within the last 3 months even if I haven't had a valid lease in over a year?
  • I have a leak in a water pipe and my carpet is soaked and there is a musty smell that I'm afraid could be mold. The manager says I have to wait until the owner has the money to get it fixed. Can I legally hire a plumber and give the bill to my landlord or deduct the cost from my rent?
  • I rent a kitchenette in south tucson I have many issues with appliances ,plumbing, heat etc. what are my options?
  • Is it against the law for my creditor (car dealership)to contstanly contact me at work even after I have verbally requested them not to? What can I do to protect my employment as them constanly calling may jeopordize my employment?
  • This question is for information for my son. My son and his ex-girlfriend have a daughter who is two years old. In the beginning they shared custody of her my son would get her once a week and every weekend. Now She wants to change that and say that he could never see her until she decides to file for court papers. My son loves his daughter cares for her pays for everything for her would basically die for her(his daughter) The mother is keeping my son from seeing his daughter. The question is can she continue to do this? Please help anyway I’m begging you




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program