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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I have three kids and my husband filed for divorce in Iowa...I moved to Arizona two weeks ago and I was wondering if I have to get a lawyer from Iowa or can I have a lawyer from Arizona...and does anyone know of how I would be able to get a lawyer for free because I am a single mother and can't afford a lawyer.
  • I was arrested in may 02 2002 in Scottsdale arizona for ars 28-622.01 and ars 13-1201.a and ars 28-1381.a1 and ars28-1381.a2. No charges were ever filed to this day and there is no warrant out for my arrest, I checked. What is the statue of limitations for these charges? Could they still charge me almost 6 years later?
  • I have been receiving a bill from my leasing facility for rent. I signed a renewal in September. I pay the amount stated and I have my receipts. I have just received, at the end of the month, a bill from the leasing office stating I am underpaid. Am I obligated to pay the underpayment due to their mistake?
  • i have a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment i live here with my 3 children (14,14,4) a friend of my just lost her home and is temporarily staying with us its her and her significant other... My ex keeps sending messages about too many in my home so my QUESTION is : is 3 adults and 3 kids illegal??
  • Is it legal for a landlord to write notifications on a piece of paper and tape it to the door? Can landlord have my car that's parked in my driveway towed without legal papers and with only 2 weeks notice?
  • Is it legal for creditors to obtain garnishments from a consumer's bank account?
  • I am separated but still married. My husband is not paying his credit card debt and an atty has threatened to garnish MY wages and forced me to pay on his debt. He sent a notice to my employer seeking verification info which totally embarassed me and jeopardized my integrity. I have been paying him because I am intimidated. Is this legal?
  • My husband got temporary custody while we were seperated. our child is two years old and now my husband filed for divorce so he could have full custody but we are living together under the same house coparenting. He doesnt want me to go to court but i just want the same equal rights as my husband does. how do i obtain joint custody when we are living under the same roof or have the same rights. should i fight the divorce would that help me in any way. What do i need to do to have an equal say in my childs upbringing?
  • The issue of Right of First Refusal has come up. Can the Right of First Refusal be customize to fit our needs, or does AZ law always require one parent to notify the other parent when they can not watch the child during their scheduled time, even if it is only for an hour or two. Can the plan be written stating that if the absents is longer than 8 hours than the Right of First Refusal applies, but if the time is less than 8 hours the parent has the right to contact the grandmother to watch our child? The grandmother has been involved in our child's life since birth. Custody is joint. Thanks
  • Does my landlord have the right to tell me who can come to my house




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program