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  • How can I prove child abandonment from my baby’s father in order to get sole custody? He does not help out in any way financially or physical care of the child, does not even ask about him so how would I go about proving that?
  • I just received a summons from my spouse for a court date for divorce but I have already filled and received a court date prior to that. Is this possible?
  • This is a plea for my best friend. She is desperate need of legal help. She has shared custody of her 7 year old daughter with the father of the daughter and his wife. Her ex and his wife have harassed her, have bullied her by coming to her work and causing a scene, that resulted in the police getting called. They have given consent for the daughter to have surgery without the consent of my friend (the girls mom) or even telling her that she was going to have surgery. My friend found out after the surgery was done and the girls face was swollen and purple.
  • My cousin has a 14 month old boy and she has joint physical and legal custody with her ex husband. She has him the first half of the week and he is supposed to have him the last half of the week as per the court. The ex-husband has not seen his child in over 3 months, because he doesn't want to pick up the kid anymore and has told my cousin every week that he is busy with something else and can not take him. He mentioned to her recently that he just wants to give up the child because he doesn't want to be a father anymore. Is it even possible for him to give up parental rights completely?
  • How do I get married?
  • I have 3 children. They live with their mother in Arizona. I live overseas (with military wife). Our next base is in Japan. My childrens mother and I agreed to let the kids come with my wife and I to Japan for 4 years. I have joint custody of my kids. But they live with their mother full time. Do we just need a court order stating they will come with us and their mother agrees? Or do we need to change custody? please help.
  • How do I foreclose on a property that has a breech of contract for a promissory notes that was secured by the home with a lien and one that was recorded last year? What is the process?
  • Is a process server the only one that can serve a defendant?
  • There have been issues with the water here at my apartments and due to this we have been having water leak from our fridge and rise up the toilet tub and sinks. The apartments have come out to "clear the pipes" a number of times but there is now water damage to the floor in the kitchen and when they came tp fix the floor they just reglued the fake wood down. What sjould we do?? I have renters insurance but i dont think i should have to pay for their pipes.
  • My apartment is flooded from a leak in the roof. They had someone here earlier to try and locate the problem, but now the floor is saturated(carpet and the paint is bulging on the ceiling and the wall from water underneath. Can I move into other housing until it's repaired? They didn't even bring a fan over, and its getting wetter and wetter, I'm afraid that mold will start growing because It is very hot here, perfect for growing mold in wet plaster.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program