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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My 23 year old son was hit in a accident and passed away .He left a 3 year old daughter and I have had this little girl since birth 4 to 6 days a week daily .Her mother works and lived with me for the first 8 months of her life .My son also lived with me and remained with me even when they split .I have always provided for my grandaughter and she even has her own room here and because her mom and I were in a argument for her clearing out a armoire that had my private things in it after I requested her not to do so she now says I'll never see my grandaughter again. Do I have rights ?
  • I understand the landlord can raise the rent at the end of each lease but how much can it be raised each time? Also they drained our swimming pool. Tje day rhe owner was out looking at it I said to him thinking about closing it huh, he stated get out of my head. Can he just close the pool without giving a notice. Also it's one of our amenities so is he obligated to notify us of the closure and how are we compensated for no pool.
  • I don't know if you can help us or maybe direct us to someone who can. KayKay Properties took over as managers of our apartment building. This is not an assisted living facility, but regular low income senior apartments. I am one of the original tenant and the other original tenants and we have gone through several managers. But this company has come in and is trying to dictate to us, change rules that make so sense and threaten with evictions. We have been told that none of our grandchildren under the age of 18 can spend the night with us anymore, if they do, we will be evicted. If someone is on medical marijuana they can't smoke it in their apartment, they have to leave the building and smoke in the parking lot. If they smoke in the building they will be evicted. We can't go to check out mail in our robes, if we do we will be evicted. They will spray for roaches, but we have to count the number of dead ones, and if they have to spray again we have to pay for it. If we don't pay for the exterminator, we will be evicted. If any of us are ill and need family or friends to help us, we have to let management know who they are, where they work and how much they make, if guessed it, we will be evicted. Please, we need someone who can help this is like living in a communist community. Rose Turman 602 599 1033
  • If I file a petition to modify child support in March can I change my payments immediately or do I have to wait to hear back from the courts?
  • Can cps keep my child I never new he was mine until he was 6 months old and was not with the mother she had him taken by cps when she deleivered him I didnt even no she was pregnant
  • Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?
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  • I just recently found out the mother of my child let another man sign the birth certificate even though she knew he wasn’t the father. I’ve tried to be in my sons life since he was born but I can only see him on her terms. Now that I found out about this other guy, I can’t see him at all. I also just recently found out that my son lives with this other guy and not his mother. I want to file for custody but I don’t know where to start. I tried to do it before but she ducked and dodged the process server so my case was dropped. What are my options here?
  • My landlord gave us more than a 48 hours notice to do a building/maintenance inspection for either the 21st or the 22nd. They showed up on the 23rd and I was told that they already gave me notice and that because it took longer than expected it just rolled over to the next day. I received no notice that it was rolling over to the next day and she even said that she didn't have to give that kind of notice because I got one about them showing up on the 21st and 22nd
  • Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program