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  • If two parents of a minor that have joint custody of said minor do not agree to a medical procedure to help said minor which patent has final say in minors treatment?
  • Hi, I am a graduate student who just completed my PhD in Neuroscience. I recently received my first ever speeding ticket in Arizona for excessive speeding. It is called a criminal speeding ticket. I have an otherwise clean driving record. The speeding ticket was issued at a moment of non focus and I was not consistently driving at the high speed. I cannot afford to hire a lawyer and am worried about a conviction. Also, I live out of state and am applying for permanent residency. Can you adivse me about pleading guilty to such a charge or help with hiring an attorney.
  • I was recently let go from my job of 5 yrs. for testing positive on a random drug n alcohol test. I dont drink and the test showed the levels of scoop mouthwash alcohol content not what was in my body. I told my manger but he let me go anyway. How can I show that it was a false reading? I am allergic to alcohol.
  • My husband and I just bought a condo, and we don't have hot water. Our HOA charges us for hot water (boiler is used), but we don't receive any. Our water comes out at 100°F as the warmest. I've spoken with HOA & he started that it will be about 8 months before we get any hot water due to the repairs needed. Should we still be charged for hot water usage? Is it legal to not provide hot water to tenants and charge them for it?
  • Is there a 3 day release from jail if not charged rule? But if the jail lists charges on the inmate, doesn't that mean that they have been charged? And if the preliminary hearing is scheduled, doesn't that mean that they have been charged, but not necessarily indicted? On major methamphetamine trafficking charges, isn't it unlikely someone would get out on the above-mentioned 3 day "rule"? Without a bond? Just turned loose?
  • I was hired by Norton Lilly Inc. in June of 2015.I was let go in Aug of 2015.the company refused unemployment and after I present information to the unemployment office only then I was told by the unemployment office that "my employer could not substantiate my discharge" and that is when I began collecting. I was in this international trade for over 40 years and when they let me go I was not given a concrete explanation for my discharge only after two months. At time of discharge I was 65 and believe that my discharge was due to age discrimination. Not until my friend advised that i may ctc
  • I filed for a temporary order for parenting time and sent the papers to the last known address, and the papers were returned to me. What happens if i don't get them delivered because I have no clue where he lives at, with my children? Does my childrens father have the right to keep his address from me when there's no custody order and I also have a order of protection against him
  • The Manager says I have to fix my driveway because it is crumbling and full of holes that were there when I rented their lot 20 years ago and now are worse because the driveway was thin and inferior. I have not signed a document that says I am responsible for the repair of their driveway. Do I have to repair their driveway?
  • I am a single mother and caretaker for my 92 year old grandfather. He is stable but declining rapidly. I am about to put him on home Hospice care. My lease is about to expire (at the end of June) and my landlord gave me very short notice that they are not renewing my lease and want me out. I'm afraid that a move right now would destabilize my grandfather and will lead to his death soon after a move. It is very difficult for me because we are low income and finding a place and moving in four weeks will be very difficult. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
  • I have a 22 month old daughter and I am 7 months pregnant with my son. My children have the same father and we are not married. He was incarcerated for the first 10 months of our daughter's life and recently went back to jail in January. He is looking at 6-8 years but possibly taking a plea agreement for 3-5 years. He is a drug addict that has been in and out of treatment for years. Can I file abandonment on him since he is incarcerated, has a long history of drug usage and multiple felonies?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program