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  • I am a single mother of a 12 year old -turning 13 in less than a month- my son was born out of wedlock in Las Vegas, NV (Paternity was established) When he was about a year old, his father decided to leave. After we broke up, he then stayed in NV for a couple of months, then moved back to Mexico. My son and I moved to AZ in 2009. We have been residing here since then. Father has not made an effort to see/talk to son. He does NOT pay child support and he lives in Mexico City according to his Facebook Profile, what can I do to obtain sole custody/full decision making regarding my son?
  • I am veteran and receive pay as married I think 3 dependents. One of those children does not live with me but have legal joint custody. Can the mother of him take my monthly stipend for him away? I receive 75 dollars a month for him.
  • The Property Management company finally fixed the plumbing after 2.5 months of not working and draining human waste to the I have holes throughout the kitchen and living room and in the walls. I have sent a certified letter asking for fit premises...but how can I get them to act to ensure my family is living in a safe environment?
  • Is the owner of an RV park responsible for ensuring the dead tree limbs and trees are trimmed so they do not damage personal property or residents.
  • How can i take someones name off of a birth certificate?
  • Son has 3 1/2 yr old daughter living solely w him in Phx, AZ for the past 3 yrs after getting joint custody 3 1\2 yrs ago Parental plan - daughter lives w each parent alternating every 3 mo. Son took daughter to OR after 3 mo. Mother was homeles. Both parents agreed daughter not to stay w her till mother stable. Mother been convicted/2 yr diversion for DV in OR, has made little attempt to contact her daughter and has made no now for over a yr. Son continues to pay child support. Question is - Can the child support order be modified so son doesn't shave to pay it to her? Thank you.
  • Owner of property i rent claims that half of my yard full of storm caused fallen palm fronds is just debris, not their problem, my responsibility. Since they have fallen..our home has been consumed with scorpions, my daughter even got stung by one couple days ago. My question is who is responsible for removal of the fronds and now the costs it will be for pest control?? Can i call services for each and demand it taken off my rent bill??
  • Can I remove my husband from my medical insurance I have for our family at work, before are divorce is final?
  • My new next door neighbor is regularly surpassing the 60 dba limit for night time sound with loud music and arguments past midnight. What can I do?
  • My husband is POA for his mother, 90 yrs with dementia. She has a bank acct with approx $200Kin a major bank. Approx 6 weeks ago, after submitting the POA to their legal dept we were advised not to withdraw/close the acct as a transaction that large could be questionable and "raise a flag". Today we returned to the bank to withdraw $5K to cover her expenses. They said that they did not have the POA on file and need to submit to legal again. A note on the acct from Feb 2016 states that she (MIL) wants to make sure 'nobody' can touch her money. As such, the bank now DECLINED the POA. Can they?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program