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  • my husband was died one year back and from then am living in my moms home with my child who is 2 year old.but now my in laws want to take custodity of my child totally to them they want only my child they want to seperate my child pls give me solution to apply legally a ccase on them for my child custody wht can i do
  • Ok I was being beaten by my boyfriend n my friend came to my aid n now facing charges what can I do
  • My ex-wife and I are having trouble agreeing on where our son can/should attend school. He is 9 years old and currently attends a private christian school, but wants to go to public school with his step-sisters and neighborhood friends in the fall. My ex is avoiding the discussion of our son changing schools. My ex and I have joint physical and legal custody. What steps do I need to take in order to address this issue with the courts?
  • Can I post bill an apartment manager for repair services I paid for which the managers neglected to provide?
  • When I first received my daughter's birth certificate (born in 2007) I did not notice it, but after having looked at it again, I noticed my birth date on her birth certificate is incorrect, how can I change it?
  • My landlord sent me a lease renewal notice that indicated the rent would go up. We had a verbal agreement last summer when I renewed that my rent would stay the same. When I told my landlord that I planned to renew but asked if my rent would stay the same, she sent me a non renewal notice for my lease. Does this qualify as retaliation?
  • I was arrested when I told the officer that I hit my ex-boyfriend. He had thrown a blanket over me and grabbed me. I fought back out of fear. My roommate intervened and my ex left before the police arrived. My ex threatened me if I told the police anything that got him in trouble, so I didn't know what to tell them. I got arrested because I said I hit my ex. My ex gave no statement, hasn't been in contact with the prosecutor, and there isn't any evidence that I did anything but protect myself. My roommate was there and is a witness. Can I possibly be found guilty for protecting myself?
  • I need help with questions I have immediately involving my court. I am native American and I wasn't explained properly on a form that was regarding the icwa law for native Americans,by neither MY court appointed attorney and my cps caseworker. As judge read it in court with the ending part stating if I fail to comply with court orders I will give up temporary parent rights, and asked do u understand what I just read? I replied no, because I didn't know the icwa law part, and then no one explained n e thing and right away judge said my kids will have appointed Guardian ad litem, please help me
  • I filed to change my name and have a hearing date. Is it possible to amend the filing prior to the hearing to make changes?
  • One of my creditors has chosen to sue me to collect a debt. Supposedly a judgement was issued against me, but the paperwork was so confusing, I could not understand it. I do not own a home or a car and my only income is Social Security. The letter from the agency selected by the credit card company says there are various means they can use to collect. My question is, what CAN they do to me? A call to the agency got me nowhere. I am also the sole caregiver for my handicapped mother.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program