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  • if I’m getting a restraining order against my roommate and she goes to get one before me on false terms because I’m getting one. Will the judge serve me with hers while i am in court trying to get mine? We have an apartment together and i think she is doing it to Get off of our lease.
  • Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?
  • I am currently involved in a custody case that requires I take a parenting class. I was involved in a seperate custody case(the child was not with my soon to be ex) a year ago and took the class. Do I need to retake the parenting class for this case or will the class I took last year work?
  • I took my car into a shop, they charged me for a rebuilt engine plus alot more and what I got was a new timing belt and a painted engine Ive had it checked out by a certified mechanic I want my money back ($3000) and he needs to be shut down. What are my resources in getting my $$$ back?
  • Can the landlord tell the postal carrier the apartment is empty and to stop mail from being delivered if we still live there
  • Is a landlord responsible for any illegal activity that might be going on with their renters
  • I am a tenant and the ownr/landlord is losing the property to foreclosure and he just called me today 09-08-08 and told me I need to beout asap by the end odf the week. The question I have is can he do this the property is due to go back to the bank 09-29-08 I plan on begin out then but can he throw me out sooner?
  • My son turned 16 and quit going to high school can child support be stopped if he is no longer enrolled in school
  • I am currently working for a company, but I want to get a better job.I received a call from one place that would have given me more money, allowed me to go to school, and it even offered medical benefits, which I really need since I currently have none.I was supposed to start the following Tuesday, but unfortunatley my current boss did not want me to go and called the place I was pursuing and said some unappropriate things about me.What can I do
  • My sons father is trying to take me to court in CA but we both live in AZ. Can he still take me to court in CA if we now live in AZ




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program