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  • When I was 18 I got a class 6 undesignated felony. I did my probation and got off it early. I turned in paperwork to the court to try and get it dropped down and it got denied. I am currently in my second year of ASU and have not been in any trouble. What can I do? I will not be able to get a job.
  • How can I get my car back from a person who helped me by putting it in their name and now will not give it back?
  • I had a friend who needed a place to stay. I told him he could stay at my apartment for 2-3 weeks. I also stated to him not to have mail sent to my residence I advised him a p.o. Box was cheap to go that route. Well it's been about 8 months now. I've been telling him he needs to get his own place and move out for many months now. Finally I just told him he had a couple days and that's all. So he has a place and told the police and my landlord his place would be ready on the 5th of November 2017. He has also changed his mailing address. Can I change my locks now since it's nov.8th 2017?
  • Can you break a lease for constant theft/damage/ stolen vehicles snd covid 19 jobless? 1 attempted theft 2 damages to a car 1 break in (2 weeks ago) 1 stolen car now We have security to. I've lived in my complex for 2 years. Lease up in August and we are thinking of moving out of state. Yesterday our only car was stolen. Covid 19 already limited work but now fiance cannot find a job as we have no vehicle. When I called about asking to terminate early due to the thefts and covid 19 they said we'd essentially be paying 4 months (60 day notice and termination fees are about 2 months rent).
  • I live in section eight house the state pays the rent every month but i only paid half of the deposit and paying monthly payments towards the remaining balance of the deposit can u get evicted from not paying deposit on time
  • My dad and neice have lived in a rental condo for years together , they are both on the lease, recently she has stopped paying her portion of rent and has stopped working and even let her boyfriend move in without my dads consent. My dad has been stuck paying all of the rent that he can't afford. The manager of the condo complex said there is nothing they can do. Please tell me how we can get her evicted out of the condo and her boyfriend to. Thank you
  • During my current 6 months of employment, I was hired as a 1099 employee and then transitioned to a W2 employee (paid salary + commission)and then forced back to a 1099 employee by my employer. Despite earning commissions from the first month of employment, I have yet to be paid any commissions. They initially told me I they would pay them and then they ignored by requests for payment. Can an employer withhold and deny paying earned commissions and if so, how long. Are they subject to any penalties or fines for will fully with holding earned commission? What can I do?
  • My new grandson doesn't have my last name. He has my wife's last name and my son's wife's last name as hyphenated. Am i still considered a legal grandparent?
  • I am rtired from the US Postal system and am on total dissabilitym The postal system is presently diducting my first year of Social Security from my retirement. What can i do to have my money returned. James Gardner




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program