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  • My ex girlfriend and I have a 2 year old son. We were never married. Shortly after we broke up she started seeing a convicted pedophile..she was taking my son to see him in the prison without me knowing. Now she lives in another town about 3 hours away from me and again didn't tell me. And she was also supposed to let the court know when she found herself a job, she never notified the court and she also never told them she was moving. With the fact that she moved and has my son around a pedophile, do I have enough evidence to show why I should get sole custody of my child?
  • I have paper's to serve my kids mother with a court date. But I don't know where she lives how do I find out where she lives at? Or how do I serve her?
  • I have recently moved back to arizona,my husband resides in illinois and has filed for divorce. I was told i can't file any papers here to respond to what i was served, and i have no idea what to do or what is going on. Can someone please help me
  • I signed away my rights to my oldest daughter when she was 3, I don't know if I'm on the birth certificate. I didn't sign it, i was in basic training when she was born. I signed away my rights so her stepdad could adopt her. I came back in the picture when she was 12. I've had regular visitation with her for the last 3 years, but want my legal rights back. The mother and adoptive father will not fight me on it, they are supportive. What do I have to do to get started.? I can not afford an attorney.
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • My ex and I have a 12 year old son. He lives with him and sees me every other weekend. I want to give him full custody. do I have to pay child support if he gets full custody?
  • My husband had court a few days ago and a court date was not set. He is in jail with a high bond and no court date... how long can they hold him without a court date
  • I went to the EEOC to discuss my seperation with my employers. They agreed it was unfair but could not help me because we didn't have over 16 employees in the office.(only 9) They suggested I contact an attorney, however when contacting those on the list I was given they all wanted a consultation fee of 300. or more. Is there an attorney I would talk to just to see what my rights are at no charge. I am still un-employed after 6 months!
  • My husband who is 34 gave a sperm sample, via a specimen cup, over 10 years ago to a lesbian couple he was friends with. They all signed a mutual agreement that he had no legal rights or responsibilities to any child created from this donation. The lesbian couple moved away and my husband has not heard from them in 10 years. No the mother who carried the child is coming after my husband and I for Paternity and Childsupport. My husbands first wife did not keep their copy of the signed agreement and the other female in the partnership passed away a month ago. What on earth do we do now?
  • What if child support is not being paid? What action or recourse do I have?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program