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  • I've read that Az. doesn't recognize common law marriage. However, I can't find information to clarify what occurs with a partnership after a given number of years. I've been cohabitating with a lady for 7 years, and recently was told "you've been together long enough that everything you have is community property." I'm concerned about our separate investments that we each have willed to our respective children. Thanks for any information you might be able to provide.
  • My water heater has been broken. Three times i have been without hot a total of two months i am on section 8 i would just like to know what my landlord is suppose to do should he have relocated me please
  • My ex-wife is making me pay some of her bills. Because of this I cannot afford an attorney for a divorce. Even though I make enough money, I can't pay because she's making me pay these bills. How can I get a low cost attorney or free consultation?
  • My husband was recently arrested for sexually abusing my daughters. He is currently in jail awaiting trial for 3 class 6 felony charges. Of course I want a divorce, but I want to make sure that I proceed in a way that will most benefit my five children. I want to protect them from their father (get sole custody), and I want to do what will help us most financially. So is it best to file divorce papers immediately or to wait until he is convicted? If he is convicted does all of his property revert to me if we are still married? I am thinking long term, I know that I won't be receiving any child support so if the property doesn't revert to me on his conviction, is it likely that courts will give me all the community property in lieu of child support? Thank you.
  • What are my rights if i put a car n my name as well as the insurance for a friend, but now he will not give the ins company his information for policy. A lien was also placed on title for my court fines so i cant transfer out of my name. I dont want ti be held responsible but he's avoiding my calls.
  • My father-in-law just got approved for AHCCCS. He had originally signed up for Humana so wondering if he can still use the Humana?
  • I need to take medicine 3 times while at work, can they tell me i can't go to my car to take it
  • My landlord says I owe money($1.78) but refuses to show me my ledger!!! Insanity hit a new low or should I say high..... this has been going on for months
  • My son was dating a girl than they broke up. He had a one night stand with her down the road.Few months later claiming to be pregnant by him. Several of her friends and his told him she said she didn't know who father is.Fast forward baby is here have not signed paternity yet have to make a appointment to sign off. I know he wants a paternity test how does this work?
  • I am married but have been separated (no legal separation filed) from my husband for 4 years. I have now had a baby with my boyfriend and the hospital won't name the father on the birth cert. They insist AZ law says it has to be her legal husband by default. Is this true? What do we do?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program