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  • When I was terminated by my employer, i was given the option to voluntarily resign and get a good reference from them, or to be fired with no reference. In retrospect i believe that this was an attempt to preclude my being able to claim unemployment. Is it legal for an employer to present these as the only two options for an employee?
  • I moved out of my mothers house and I'm 17, even though I'm under her care, can i qualify for foodstamps? or recieve money each month?
  • My ex husband and I have joint custody of our 2 year old son. Our son is showing some sensory and possible speech problems. I invited AZIEP out to do an initial sreening and invited him as well. He thinks it's stupid and doesn't want him to be evaluated and would not give consent for an OT evaluation the screener suggested and I gave consent. He also says he won't give consent for any kind of preschool. Professionals are seeing problems and are suggesting evaluations. Can I still get him evaluated without his consent? If not what is my recourse to help my son get what he needs?
  • can child support be garnished
  • A judge awarded the other parent joint legal decision making and parenting time. Within the last 4 mths he has seen her a total of 3 weeks. I filed to set aside the judge's ruling and got denied. I tried to modify child support and got denied. I don't know what else to do. I have documents printed out to providing evidence of my claims. What else can I do? The judge made her decision April 2nd of this year
  • I paid my deposit to my landlord with 2 money orders. I have receipts from the landlord for both of them. The landlord "lost" one of the money orders. They are now asking me to pay them again for the lost one and for me to file the paperwork myself to see if I can get the money back from the company who issued the original money order. I feel that once it left my possession and they gave me a receipt that it is their responsibility. Can they penalize me for their mistake?
  • Me and my ex girlfriend have a daughter out of wedlock. I am curious how child support works with that type of situation. I'm on the birth certificate. I also don't think she is fit or ready to take care of my daughter. I would like short term full custody and then when she has her feet on the ground we can readjust. How should I go about this ?
  • Can I obtain custody of my child if my ex neglects to care for him/her? when the child was in her care, he/she came back to me with impetigo on parts of his body dr's say the is due to uncleanliness. He/she has no babysitter so she drops him/her off at local relatives home.
  • I have a 1 year old child. Her father went to prison when she was 2 months old. Now his mother is trying to get visitation with my daughter. Were set to go to trial in April. I'm not sure exactly what to do. I don't have a lawyer and I'm a full time single parent . I can't afford a lawyer. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do or file. I don't understand the terms or the paperwork at all. Can she get visitation if I don't get a lawyer or miss file the information?
  • Toilet's blocked by flushing sanitary towels down the toilet. Who pays? Landlord or tenant?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program