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  • my fiance lives with his mother in there home they have been renting for a little over 8 years now. he was currently incarcerated, given 3 months in jail. while in custody his mother unexpectedly passed away in the home.I am the only one given by the two sons next of kin a power of attorney to have access to the home. the property manager has gone in and let the aunt take things then changed the locks so i had no access to the home.I spoke to him about paying rent in which he agreed to take payments for a months rent he has taken partial payment and now will not allow me access me!
  • I applied for food stamps about two and a half weeks ago. How long will it take to hear on my case? I already have a case number. What site can I go on to check the status on my case?
  • My ex husband is refusing to pay the court ordered child support on the dates that were specified. He stated that he had "talked" to a lawyer and was told that he would not be late until 30 days had past since the last payment. Is this correct?
  • I was involved in a very minor collision resulting in minimal vehicle damage & no bodily harm. Accident occurred on a private parking lot which cops would not respond to so there is no reports or documentation of either parties accounts an recollection leading up to accident. Insurance information was exchanged and both parties drove away upon learning no police report would be taken. Months following were an unstable time for me and incident slipped my mind. Until this week even I received a collection letter which to the best of my knowledge is a subrogation notice. With my brief research on this, it's my understanding that I've been deemed at fault. And the insurer of other party has issued a payment covering their damage. Which they are now seeking reimbursement through me. Can I dispute or appeal an how is this done? I firmly believe that the fault is that of the other driver or at least not solely of my own, based on design and layout of parkway's as well as location of impact and damage indicated on both vehicles.
  • Can management legally require a resident of a 202 Hud apartment complex to wear a face mask in the building?
  • can des deny you before the date given to turn in requested info i filed fair hear on oct 10 and they lost it and didnt file it tillnov 15
  • My landlord seems to be blowing off some of my repair improvement requests on the house I'm renting. These requests include sealing the 3 doors to enter the house, open electrical outlets, the water heater makes the loud popping noises, insulation and overall sealing of the house. We get a lot of bugs inside, some of the wood post that hold up the carport are not secured to the roof. Even though the roof had been repaired before we moved in, there are still many spots around the house that are very visible, that it's obviously rotted wood. Am I allowed to renegotiate my rent?
  • I have been wrongly served an Injunction against Harassment (IAH) notice. I want to challenge this, but in the meantime, I also want to get a protection order against the plaintiff. Is it wise for me to do so? Also, I plan on challenging the injunction. Should I seek attorney counsel? Or should I represent myself at the hearing?
  • I received a request for paternity for my son we took the test i havnt received the results but the state has and now wheni took up my case it says they scheduled an establishment hearing what does that mean?
  • Is there any course of action that can be taken to have parental rights restored threw family court after looseing a CPS case and appeal and having parental rights severed to children. Can any litigation or legal course if action be taken to amend over turn or modify a family court judgement on a cps case that the parent lost at trial & appeal




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program