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  • My ex boyfriend put a restraining order against me so I couldn't get my things from his apt. separated after restraining order for a few weeks he has made contact with me the whole time (calls to myself and friends and family, text, showing up where I moved to). He also threaten to show up somewhere I am and calling the police. At this point I'm the one being harrassed. How can I go about doing something legally to either get restraining order removed and placing one on him or protect myself against restraining order
  • Can I get help from Indian Reservation? The mother is full indain and I have custody.
  • mother and father have no legal paperwork or agreement in place but both are active in the childs life and one goes to prison for 2.5 years does sole custody default to the other ?
  • My ex & I have 50/50. we split in 5/15, he moved in his gf two months after I left. He since has been trying to get my son (2.5yrs) to call her mom. He took him out of the babysitter care w/o my knowledge or agreement, put him in a daycare of his choosing so his gf could have access to my son. He wouldn't let me know where he was enrolled. Once I did they wouldn't give me an update because he didn't list me on the pwork. He takes him to rndm clinics so I won't have access to his records. & I just found out she was arrested for domestic violence while my son was there. What can I do help!
  • The home I rented went into foreclosure and was sold, unbeknownst to me or to the property management company (manager was not the owner). I made 2 rental payments to the management company during the time between the home being sold and us becoming aware of it. I made a CFK agreement with the new owner and requested my deposit, as well as the 2 rental payments back from the manager. They told me to give them a key and they would return my deposit, even though I made it clear I was not moving out. I returned my key and they refused to return my deposit or payments. Do I have any recourse?
  • I rented my motorhome to a friend. Agreement was until June 1st 2017. On several occasions I reminded them they needed to move. After a few weeks I went to remind them again and they moved the motorhone without my permission. Aftet I found where they noved my motothome we both agreed one more week. After week was up I went to tell them tbey needed to move out tbey refused when I retur ed a week later they abanded my motorhome, removed my property that Was in the motorhome and left motorhome filthy. Please help what to I do.
  • Unemployment is attempting to collect almost $5000 in overpayments that they claim to have paid me from as far back as 5 years ago. I don't have documentation from that far back. The amt. started out at about $600. I disputed that and then they did some kind of audit. Now they claim I owe them $5000! What do I do?
  • My son is 5 years old, his father is on the birth certificate. He has never lived with the father, he went to prison 2 weeks after he was born and has been in and out since then, What legal rights does he have?? And what would I need to do to gain soul custody? I have no contact with him.
  • When accessing FMLA for the birth of a child, if you are placed on bed rest before the birth is your employer still required to hold your position for the 12 weeks after the birth?
  • My son has been give a immediate termination notice to vacate his apartment reason says for illegal firing of firearm, but he absolutely did not fire a firearm, nor does he possess one, he is only 20 years old this is his first apartment and he is scared to death of what is going to happen. He did not shoot a gun, what are his rights?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program