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  • can you receive unemployment going to school part-time?
  • Three roommates and I rent a home. Owner lives out of the country and when in town he enters without warning. Last time he stayed 3 months and pressured me into moving out of the master bedroom so he could use it. I pay my rent and it was a huge problem moving all my furniture and belongings downstairs to a tiny bedroom. He uses our wireless internet and pays nothing toward utilities. I live in constant fear he can return and disrupt our lives again. Can an owner enter with no warning and live in home.Can he force me to vacate master room again. He implied I would be given notice if I didn't.
  • My former employer is verbally abusive on a daily basis and creates an extremely hostile workplace. After tolerating this for 6 months, I finally gave him my 2 week notice. He proceeded to say 'No, I'll end this right here' asked me for my key and walked me out. I then filed for unemployment, which has since been denied. I'm sure he said I quit, which is not the case. This person also made advances to my 16 ear old daughter when she was at work with me over the summer. Do I have a claim? I'm having a hard time getting a response from local attorney's.
  • Does my landlord have a right to ask about proof of employment- even if I am paying my rent on time and in full each month? I have also paid all of the security, final month rent, and non refundable moneys when I moved in. He asked for proof of employment and bank account numbers on the application, I gave him my current which was out of state, now he is insisting on current employment and income amounts. He tells me that I am on a 6 month probation out of a 1yr lease upon proof of employment each month.
  • Can I take a leave of absence for a school year (I'm a teacher) to take care of my father according to FMLA?
  • Our apartment has a black mold problem because of a slow leak in the wall. When out landlords insurance adjustor came to see the damage he informed us that the landlord was required to test the mold to find out if it was toxic. When we asked our landlord about testing he said he didn't have to test it just clean it up. Which is true? We would like them to test it so we know what we have been living in.
  • We had a a verbal agreement to allow our son to attend a school out of district as long as my ex would take him to school on a daily basis..he got upset with me and broke the verbal agreement two months before school was out i was forced to make a temporay change in my work schedule to allow my son to finsih up the school year i want to place him in the school which he is suppose to attent which is in our district and two blocks away from each of our homes. can he fight me on this we have joint legal custody ..will sedning him a certified letter making him aware of the change be ok?
  • I have had got behind in my rent back in March of 2019 due to some health issues I had to leave my job. I receive disability and so I have been paying what I could afford. The landlord took those payments but with all the late fees building up. Was informed today that our apts were sold and new owners served me with a 5 day notice. There is no way that I can pay in full in 5 days nor can I find my family another place in 5 days. What can I do?
  • I currently am renting a home. I allowed a woman and her 2 children to come stay a few weeks with me when she became homeless. She is not on the lease and does not receive mail here. She has become very violent towards me and my children so I want her to move. What can I do? When I called the police to escort her out he told me he'd arrest ME for trying to make her leave with her children. What can I do to get this woman out of my rental home who is violent?
  • My husband filed for divorce and I was served the papers. I was unable to go to the court date so divorce was granted by default. Decree says I went to parenting classes which I didn't. Also ex doesnt have to pay child support or alimony even though he left the family and was having affair. Can I file for child support and alimony since we were married for 20+ yrs.? We get adoption subsidy for our daughter and he wants half of that but only has her 48hrs/wk. What can I do?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program