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  • I recently found out I am paying for the electric in the laundry room that everyone else uses. Is this considered a breach in contract, if I pay my own utilities. The realty company said they will take $25 off the rent each month or to move out, is this violating my rights as a tenant?
  • I have a question regarding The Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act. I retired from the military in 2010 and married my current spouse in 2012. We were not married nor had any relationship while I was on active duty. My question is, if my spouse and I are divorced is she protected under The Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act? Basically is she entitled to any portion of my retirement pay in case of a divorce?
  • When a child turns 19 is a parent legally responsible for that child. For example, a child moves out of home and is making poor choices, if something were to happen is the parent liable.
  • I am a current mobile home owner in mesa. My husband and I have maintained our trailer to the standards put forth in the lease. We are very disappointed at our park owners for allowing an owner to treat the park as a place of business which is prohibited in the park lease. How or what are our legal means of attempting to see the problems corrected.
  • My son friend 14 year old kid is homeless and staying in different friends home every day..his mom has never contacted any adults and the kid doesn't know where she is at ..what can I do to get this kid help
  • Can a homeowner successfully negotiate a loan remodification with its lender or should they consult an attorney?
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  • What's the legal way to evict my ex-husband out of my apartment? I am the only one on the lease and he is an "approved tenant". I only allowed that 2 months ago because I moved to California and still had 6 months left on my lease and at the time he was working and was suppose to pay the rent. I came back after one month and had to catch up the rent and move back in and now he's not working or contributing anything, so I want him to leave since I am the only one legally responsible for all the rent. How much notice do I have to give him to leave? My landlord said I have to evict him.
  • I was served my notices and went to court with my landlord. She got a judgement against me for unpaid rent and was granted a writ of restitution to be received on 9-1-09. On the morning of 9-1-09 when I returned to the property to finish moving, she had locked the gates. My dogs were still there and I had not been served the writ by the constable. Turns out that she did not received the writ until 10:18 that morning but the gates were locked at 8:48 a.m. Does the writ have to be served or is it just given to the landlord and they can do as they please?
  • hi my landlords are refusing to do anew lease they are thing of selling the realtor gave us a 60 day notice but i haven,t found anything yet i still have to pay them rent and they wont fix the home where i live at




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program